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Add Multiple Default Wallpapers
I suggest that you add 3 or 4 wallpapers in the desktop settings to make changing the background a lot more user friendly
and thanks for this great project!
Feel free to suggest suitably licensed abstract wallpapers that have a pre-10.10 Mac "feel" to them. We will limit their number to manage ISO download size, though.
We are looking for abstract ones which are optimized for having the desktop filled with icons.
So never evaluate it "naked" - it is just meant to fade in the background.
Based on https://wallpaperaccess.com/download/grey-and-white-abstract-1156907
Optimized for this use case:
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/26g2mk/my_moms_desktop/
I think my choice of wallpaper will be biased to look as "simple and real" as possibleFrom : https://unsplash.com/
Yeah They Look Amazing but Look At probonopd's Rules
Under water CC 4.0 BY-SA
Im try to create.
Are there requirements on resolution and aspect ratio?
Full HD I'd say
I'd like to have something vaguely going in the direction of the 10.3 and 10.4 in Graphite (right-hand side):
I will try to create a wallpaper like that
The ones that are in portrait mode are big enough that they can be cropped into landscape. All photos taken by me.
If by any chance you want to use them for HelloSystem then this license should be appropriate: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Perhaps we could create wallpaper packs, to accommodate everyone. I think all entries look nice, but perhaps we'd need to vote over what should be featured by default based on looks and guidelines.
Having additional packs that users can download would be nice.
Maybe like with apps wallpapers could be organized into folders and users could choose a either an individual image within a folder or the folder itself. If you choose a folder as your wallpaper then it will do a slideshow of the images it contains. The only other settings that might be interesting are to choose the interval at which the wallpaper will be changed. It would be far simpler than what you have to in GNOME with all that messing around with XML and manually specifying the source image and duration for each image.
Then each folder can save it's own minimal config, which is just the time interval. Something like: 8 hours Or: 30 days Or: 3 months
And you can have a seasons folder with 4 images that change every 3 months and a time of day folder with 8 images that change every 3 hours, or a calendar with 12 images that change every 1 month.
That Is The Wallpaper I made
Thanks for all the artwork. It will probably never be enough to satisfy everyone ;-)
Probably we should add some PyQt5 GUI to browse and get wallpapers from a site like unsplash?
what about a simple script or program to add nasa image of the day, some of the nebulae and constellations and awesome might of the sky are very reminiscent of the default wallpapers on snow leopard
In the future, the tablecloth can have good quality, it is recommended to add these specifications into consideration , Compare the Ubuntu Wallpaper Contest over the years. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/wallpaper-competition-for-impish-indri-ubuntu-21-10/22852 (Although the quality in the past five years is worse than in previous years)
- Only submit original content
- Images should be high resolution
- No watermarks, names, or logos
- License under CC BY-SA 4.06 or CC BY 4.03
https://www.wallpaperbetter.com/en/search?q=abstract has some really nice ones. But the license is "contact us".
Here's a tablecloth I made and wanted to be able to submit.
Paper ribbon CC 4.0 BY-SA
Pattern mosaic CC 4.0 BY-SA
Update : to 4k Make in webside https://aatishb.com/patterncollider/?symmetry=7&radius=133&zoom=2.68&hue=214&hueRange=-48&contrast=18&sat=56
Patchwork CC 4.0 BY-SA
By the past i have make wallpaper with Blender, for me that a good tool to make it. (Blender can be script easilly for export each size or ratio on sub directory structure) I share a Video about : How to Make a Volumetric Abstract Wallpaper in Blender
From my point about how it should be done:
- a git repository with few blender file
- a Makefile for wallpapper generation size/ratio
- subdirectories render publish in the git with version...
- The Makefile generate the Markdown README.md with a preview of wallpapers
Then it still have no plan for have fews of them on the ISO, but it will be ready for ...
Is it possible to create a https://github.com/helloSystem/wallpapers repository, ready to pull request ?
https://github.com/helloSystem/wallpapers created, looking for your PR @Hierosme.
OK let's rock
Just for fun a preview: