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Need to fix the bug that keeps asking for the password when adjusting the date and time
Need to fix the bug that keeps asking for the password when adjusting the date and time
Originally posted by @louies0623 in https://github.com/helloSystem/Utilities/issues/163#issuecomment-1600610846
Can normal users adjust the machine-wide time without needing sudo on FreeBSD?
That is clearly un unexpected result, ask for Password yes but in loop no ....
I do not like that password ask, the window look worng and pop too mush, both trouble make a bad result ask you movie show.
In general that is it window it should pop:
Here how it should be done:
That is the small lock on the left bottom it make the job.
That tool in my scope i'll fork it under contruction and take a look ... I can't confirm a 100% success. Password management require a memory an in general that memory is provide by a password manager .... I suppose by design it is where is the lake.
i post here news. @probonopd i dont know if you have other priority (yet impossibel to me to work on Disk Utility), i'll focus to close issue.
Enjoy !!!
I do not like that password ask, the window look worng and pop too mush, both trouble make a bad result ask you movie show.
@Hierosme Although this problem has been raised before, it just needs to be solved.
I just have create a draft pull request https://github.com/helloSystem/Utilities/pull/170. In few days you'll can test it on the Under Construction directory.
I can confirm the trouble Many function duplicate the call of system sudo command. that direct acces to sudo cause 2 troubles.
- Error interception will be more complicated
- sudo will do as it like, what it want in the Application.
My frist idea was to use a QProcess class for emit needed signals, then keep the control of what happen or not in the App. Clearly it should have only one function it call Sudo, in front of a controller it know if the entire Model can be flush to the system....
Brieff i got the root cause, and a hammer for speack with ...
Frist step is to migrate to a True View system then separate the GUI to a .ui file. Second Create a Model in charge to store the entire data of the application only here the Hammer can split what is part of the Backend and part of a future Controller.
Just in case something still move, the backend will use a dedicated threads and the only one object it can speack with it will be the Controller.
About security. Basically i do my best to push the responssability of the askpass somewhere else of the application.
I Share to link here about how FreeDesktop want deal with App privilege. In fact Polkit look to be the way.
a Qt Binding (Not KAuth)
The BSD Native pakage: https://freebsd.pkgs.org/13/freebsd-amd64/polkit-qt-1-0.114.0.pkg.html We speack about 73K for the lib.
If remenber well Politkit was near a gas engine, and it do not exist a python binding....
Just to know. it have a raison about why sudo is use for permission ?
that is two different method. sudo change the user for execute a action (Then start in amount of the application) Polkit asking for privilege Yes or No ....
In general the permission esclation is not under the app responssability.
Just for fun , here we are:
It have take me the day, but the clock is really near the OsX one ....
Please do not use PolKit in helloSystem.
Yes i got it.
I have read that page, The line about polkit look a bit worng to me , That is no similar to Sudo, That is the oposit of Sudo and a gas -engine...
Only pkexec is similar to sudo, THAT THE ONLY ONE SIMILARITY .... doas is similar to sudo where polkit is not...
I do my best to use Sudo, trust me i'll not doing dangerous thing for the system.
My reaction is about the confusion about Sudo / Polkit: everyone show screenshoot or execpt the result of the PolKit Auth Agent ....
Here will use Askpass the result will be totally different.
For me and unfortunally it do not exist alternative to Polkit .... And Sudo or Doas are NOT... That is easy to say No polkit, but in general the reality is more complexe of that ....
Personally i simply hate lot polkit... i'm force to install it, but it have choise and no alternative .... KDE, XFCE, GNOME use it ....
My reaction will be all time that confusion will be done. The troouble is not relatif to GNU/Linux... Just install KDE/GNOME or XFCE on th BSD machine, it will work only because polkit is use ....
We are in front of a maturity touble.
Are we shure about a Desktop exist without polkit ? why that ?
All the trouble look to be confusion about Sudo is similar to Polkit....
Personally i simply hate lot polkit... i'm force to install it,
Life is much more pleasant once one stops using software that one thinks one is "forced" to. (This was a reason for me to start helloSystem - get rid of everything I don't like. ;-)
We'll found a way by the door or the window....