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Transfer 1 HNT with 0 HNT in wallet to another can be completed successfully
Hi all, I am curious why with the following code, I can execute the transaction of transferring 1 HNT to another with a transaction hash returned successfully even the wallet has 0 HNT, also is there a way to check the status of the transaction from an exchange or from Helium network?
async function make_transaction(){
const client = new Client();
console.log("make_transaction the client: ", client);
// the transactions library needs to be configured
// with the latest chain vars in order to calculate fees
const vars = await client.vars.get();
console.log("make_transaction the vars: ", vars);
const entropy = await crypto.randomBytes(32);
console.log("make_transaction entropy is: ", entropy);
let entropyStr = entropy.toString("hex");
console.log("make_transaction entropyStr: ", entropyStr);
let bob = await Keypair.fromEntropy(entropy);
console.log("make_transaction bob is: ", bob);
console.log("make_transaction the bob.address: ", bob.address);
// initialize an address from a b58 string
const alice = Address.fromB58('148d8KTRcKA5JKPekBcKFd4KfvprvFRpjGtivhtmRmnZ8MFYnP3');
console.log("make_transaction the alice: ", alice);
//let mnemonic = alice.mnemonic;
//console.log("make_transaction the mnemonic: ", mnemonic);
// get the speculative nonce for the keypair
console.log("make_transaction the bob.address.b58: ", bob.address.b58);
// let publicKey = bob.publicKey;
//console.log("make_transaction the publicKey: ", publicKey);
//let publicKeyString = Base64.fromUint8Array(publicKey);
//console.log("make_transaction publicKeyString: ", publicKeyString);
// let publicKeyBack = Base64.toUint8Array(publicKeyString);
//console.log("make_transaction publicKeyBack: ", publicKeyBack);
//const account = await client.accounts.get(bob.address.b58);
//console.log("make_transaction the balance.floatBalance: ", account.balance.floatBalance);
//console.log("make_transaction the account: ", account);
// construct a payment txn
const paymentTxn = new PaymentV1({
payer: bob.address,
payee: alice,
amount: 1,
nonce: alice.speculativeNonce + 1,
console.log("nonce is: ", paymentTxn);
console.log('transaction fee is:', paymentTxn.fee);
const signedPaymentTxn = await paymentTxn.sign({ payer: bob });
console.log("make_transaction the serialized transaction: ", signedPaymentTxn.toString());
let txHash = await client.transactions.submit(signedPaymentTxn.toString())
console.log("make_transaction the transaction hash: ", txHash);
Thanks in advance!
If you get the HASH that it returns and pull this url https://api.helium.io/v1/pending_transactions/:hash it'll tell you the status. For all the previous pending transactions, you can do https://api.helium.io/v1/accounts/148d8KTRcKA5JKPekBcKFd4KfvprvFRpjGtivhtmRmnZ8MFYnP3/pending_transactions and you'll notice that the 1 HNT payment failed.