Helios De Rosario
Helios De Rosario
Thanks for your comment. As you say, the functions of the package are meant to return a single result. That's the clearest API, since there are many possible parameters that...
Thank you for reporting the issue and the related PR. In my opinion it is rather a shortcoming of the documentation, rather than a bug. The option `alternative = 'less'`...
Thanks for the comment. The manual of **pwr** defines `d` as "Effect size (Cohen's d) - difference between the means divided by the pooled standard deviation". This receives different labels...
Cohen used different symbols like *d* and *dz*, as you say, because of the transformation needed to look into the power table. Anyway, in both cases the represented value is...
Sorry for taking sooo long to answer this. :flushed: I appreciate this suggestion; however, implementing that workaround --at least in the way you made it in jpower-- would imply changing...
Not exactly: it took me a few tests to understand it, but although grey breakpoint icon does mean that no breakpoint works, red breakpoint icon means that breakpoints work *except...
I have commited a new change (ae28a40): adding the type "PlotGroup" that supports combined legends as mentioned in issue #198
That's an issue related to the structure of the plots in Winston. plot(x,y,"o-"), etc. actually creates two plot components, one for the line and another for the points; and each...
The creation of combined legends can be done more easily with the type "PlotGroup" that I have added in this fork: https://github.com/heliosdrm/Winston.jl/tree/legend (proposed as pull request #200). Example: ``` julia...
I encounter the a different problem: in Juno's REPL, any accent (acute, grave, circumflex, diaeresis...) followed by a character that should accept it, is ignored (i.e. vowels are printed without...