Heinrich Ulbricht

Results 61 comments of Heinrich Ulbricht

Will do as soon as I'm back on my Linux machine! When I'm RDPing from Windows it apparently... works. So Windows 10 -> Windows 11 via on-board RDP client works....

@tznind Here is a screenshot at the position you asked for: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3469970/190219361-9ec90fd5-c8f3-4a2a-b485-f34c86e8c262.png) Call stack: ``` > Terminal.Gui.dll!Terminal.Gui.WindowsDriver.ToConsoleKeyInfoEx(Terminal.Gui.WindowsConsole.KeyEventRecord keyEvent) Line 1222 C# Terminal.Gui.dll!Terminal.Gui.WindowsDriver.ProcessInput(Terminal.Gui.WindowsConsole.InputRecord inputEvent) Line 789 C# Terminal.Gui.dll!Terminal.Gui.WindowsDriver.PrepareToRun.AnonymousMethod__34_0(Terminal.Gui.WindowsConsole.InputRecord e) Line 759...

Seems to be connected to remote connecting to systems. Did a Google. Here is somebody experiencing this as well with AnyDesk: https://stackoverflow.com/q/73076917 more: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=411629&sid=9c697f02b387bb791ef865bd52b8bdf8#p411629 more: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/12977 Fix for Terminal and...

@tznind Looks promising. It works for A, B etc. But not for : and other non-alphabet characters. For those the `Enum.TryParse` fails.

Had a look at `NetDriver` and what the `ConsoleKeyInfo` there looks like after pressing Shift+'.' (== ':'). The `KeyChar` there is set, `Key` is 0, no modifier: ``` - consoleKeyInfo...

Some tests: Ctrl ``` - original {System.ConsoleKeyInfo} System.ConsoleKeyInfo Key 17 System.ConsoleKey KeyChar 0 '\0' char Modifiers Control System.ConsoleModifiers ``` Ctrl+Shift ``` - original {System.ConsoleKeyInfo} System.ConsoleKeyInfo Key 16 System.ConsoleKey KeyChar 0...

@tznind I have URL input fields so as long as one can type URLs it's fine for me :zany_face:

@tznind It works better now, I can input URLs ^^ Pressed a few more keys, single and double quotes are missing: ``` - original {System.ConsoleKeyInfo} System.ConsoleKeyInfo Key Packet System.ConsoleKey KeyChar...

@tznind Well. This just works :D I can type anything in combination with Shift now. No exceptions. Home, End, Cursors, Escape, Tab, Backspace also work and don't use the Packet...