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Code Repository associated with "Algorithms In A Nutshell", 2ed, published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Welcome to the Algorithm Development Kit, the associated code repository to the second edition of the "Algorithms in a Nutshell" book published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.
For historical reasons, the 1st edition web page can be found here
This repository is freely available for you to use (as per the "Using Code Examples" from the preface of the book. We quote:
This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of examples from O.Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product's documentation does require permission.
We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: "Algorithms in a Nutshell, Second Edition by George T. Heineman, Gary Pollice, and Stanley Selkow. Copyright 2016 George Heineman, Gary Pollice and Stanley Selkow, 978-1-4919-4892-7.
Within this repository you will find the following directories:
README.txt This file Blogs Code associated with blog entries posted for book Code Implementation of algorithms using C/C++ PerformanceTests Tests to stress-test JavaCode Tests JUnit tests cases for JavaCode dist compiled JAR files for JavaCode Examples Examples showing JavaCode in action Figures Shows how to generate nearly all Book Figures JavaCode Implementation of algorithms using Java PythonCode Implementation of algorithms using Python Shell script to compile JavaCode and package dist no_ant_build.bat Windows batch file that packages dist build.xml Ant buildfile to compile, test, and package JavaCode VERSION.txt Version information about this Development Kit Makefile Makefile to compile C/C++ code using gcc/g++
Primary Task
Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to your JDK installation. For example the following shows how to set JAVA_HOME using C-Shell:
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_07
Note that the code repository will not compile using JDK 1.5 because some code relies on the java.util.Arrays.copyOf() method which was introduced with the JDK 1.6; we also use "@Override" annotation tags for classes that implement an interface. Compiling the repository requires a JDK-1.6 compatible javac compiler. Download the latest JDK from []
All code examples have been tested using:
- The latest JDK 1.8 releases
- openjdk version "13" 2019-09-17 []
- openjdk version "17" 2021-09-14 []
Make sure that $JAVA_HOME/bin is in your PATH so the proper java and javac executables can be located.
Make sure you have a python installation of at least 2.7.6 otherwise the module structure will not be executable. In particular, we use conditional expressions (1 PEP 308) added to Python 2.5.
It is expected that you have numpy installed. Review the instructions at
Make sure ant is in your PATH. This installation was tested with:
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
Download the latest version from:
If you don't have 'ant' available, you may be able to use the "" script to compile all Java classes. Read that file for instructions on its use. If you are on a Microsoft XP Windows machine, you can launch the "no_ant_build.bat" batch file and it will provide instructions on how to build the code (provided you have an available JDK of version 1.6 or higher).
Make sure that JUnit is available.
The ant build script assumes there is a directory ../junit4.0 which contains the JUnit installation as found from [].
Note that this directory exists above the ADK source tree which means that we don't need to include these files with our release.
We have tested the installation with both JUnit 4.0 and a more recent release, JUnit 4.12. In all cases, the directory "junit4.0" is required (you can install the latest version of JUnit and simply create a symbolic link to that directory with the name "junit4.0").
If your JUnit installation is in a different location, simply modify the line defining
If you are using ant version 1.6.5 (and possibly others) you will have to also ensure that the junit-4.0.jar JAR file is already in your CLASSPATH before launching ant. To do this using Bash, you would type something like:
export CLASSPATH=.:/path/to/junit/junit-4.0.jar
Apparently, ant 1.7 does not have this second CLASSPATH requirement.
cd into 'Task' and type 'ant' to build special ant task
go back to main directory (cd ..) and continue. At this point you may have to ensure that the ant libraries ${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar are in your CLASSPATH.
Type 'ant' to compile all Java code (in JavaCode, Examples, Figures, and PerformanceTests).
This will compile all sources and execute the JUnit test cases
Type 'make' to compile all C/C++ code (in Code directory)
You will need both a 'gcc' C compiler and a 'g++' C++ compiler. Tested on 'g++' version 3.4.6 and 'gcc' version. Also tested on versions 4.2.1 of both.
Review Figures and Examples
You can reproduce all of the computer-generated figures in the book using code provided with this deployment. Within the Figures/ directory, type "make" to generate all of the computed tables and figures. Please be aware that this process may take several days to compute (especially for Chapter 5). Should you wish to regenerate the figures for a specific chapter only, change directory to Figures/scripts/chapterN and then type 'make'
Please review the information found in
- Figures/src/algs/chapterN/README.txt for N=2..10
- Figures/src/algs/appendixA/README.txt benchmark code contained here
To run any of the Java examples, type:
java -cp dist/ADK-2.0-ExamplesAndFigures.jar [ExampleMain]
For example, to regenerate the information found in chapter 2, table 2, type:
java -cp dist/ADK-2.0-ExamplesAndFigures.jar algs.chapter2.table2.BisectionMethod
And to show a code example, type:
java -cp dist/ADK-2.0-ExamplesAndFigures.jar algs.example.chapter5.ModuloSurprise
Some figures and examples require resources that are stored on the disk. Please use the Makefiles to generate these figures.
We also provide a number of example programs showing the algorithms in practice. For examples, review the information found in
- Examples/src/algs/example/README.txt
Optional Tasks
Type 'ant junitBlogs' to execute the JUnit test cases covering the blog code.
Type 'ant junitreport' to produce a full Report on the JUnit progress. Only works if you have valid JAVA_HOME set to locate tools.jar. Find the compiled JUnit report in:
This option is likely only available for ant 1.7 (and higher).
To generate javadoc, execute 'ant javadoc'
To generate doxygen documentation, type 'make doxygen' in the Code directory.
Final Words
Should you find an issue in either the code or the book, please let us know using the book's web site:
You can post Errata and see the list of errors/corrections that were found after the book was printed. Should you wish to also post a review of the book (and this code) visit the book's webpage: