SwiftFX icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwiftFX copied to clipboard

SwiftUI Effects

Powered by Metal through PixelKit


import SwiftUI
import SwiftFX
struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Hello, World!")
                .font(.system(size: 50, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
                .fxBlur(style: .zoom, radius: 0.5)
Text("Hello, World!") .fxEdge() .fxBlur(style: .zoom)


.package(url: "https://github.com/heestand-xyz/SwiftFX.git", from: "1.0.0")


func fxBlur(style, radius, angle, position, quality) -> FX

func fxEdge(strength, distance) -> FX

func fxDisplace(distance, view) -> FX

func fxDisplaceNoise(distance, octaves, zPosition) -> FX

func fxRainbowBlur(_) -> FX

func fxClamp(low, high) -> FX

func fxKaleidoscope(divisions, mirror) -> FX

func fxBrightness(_) -> FX

func fxDarkness(_) -> FX

func fxContrast(_) -> FX

func fxGamma(_) -> FX

func fxInvert() -> FX

func fxOpacity(_) -> FX

func fxQuantize(fraction) -> FX

func fxSharpen(_) -> FX

func fxSlope(_) -> FX

func fxThreshold(_) -> FX

func fxTwirl(_) -> FX

func fxRange(inLow, inHigh, outLow, outHigh) -> FX

func fxSaturation(_) -> FX

func fxMonochrome() -> FX

func fxHue(_) -> FX

func fxSepia(color) -> FX

func fxFlipX() -> FX

func fxFlipY() -> FX

func fxFlopLeft() -> FX

func fxFlopRight() -> FX