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POSIX-compliant command-line UI (CLI) parser and Hierarchical-configuration operations


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cmdr is a POSIX-compliant, command-line UI (CLI) library in Golang. It is a getopt-like parser of command-line options, be compatible with the getopt_long command line UI, which is an extension of the syntax recommended by POSIX.

We made many enhancements beyond the standard library flag.

There is a fully-functional Options Store (configurations) for your hierarchical configuration dataset too.

The .netCore version Cmdr.Core is available now. And, a cxx version cmdr-cxx was pre-released just now (Happy Spring Festival 2021).


See the image frames at #1.

See our extras:

and Bonus of #cmdr Series:


  • docs (WIP):

  • v1.10.49 (FRZ)

    • NOTE: we declared a go1.18 Module in go.mod.
    • fea: added a missed API: NewAny(defval any)
    • fea: added NewTextVar(defval TextVar) for a given default value which implements encoding.TextMarshaler and encoding.TextUnmarshaler, such as *net.IP, time.Time, and so on.
      • allow parsing a timestamp string with free styles
    • imp: better defaultActionImpl()
    • fea: added a missed API: SetRawOverwrite(key, val)
    • fea: added sbom builtin Command for dumping SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials) Information (no need to install go runtime and run go version -m app) while u build the app with go1.18+
    • fix: ~~debug or its sub-flags can't work as expected sometimes
    • fix: feature default action and FORCE_DEFAULT_ACTION
    • fix: randomizer codes
    • fix: fluent example app
    • using new .editorconfig file and new deps.
  • v1.10.48

    • upgrade yaml.v3 to cut off Dependabot alerts
  • v1.10.47

    • fea: added tiny html code supports for tail-line (cmdr.WithHelpTailLine(line)).

      html in Description, Examples works too.

    • more godoc
    • lots of lint and review
    • wrap ioutil/os.ReadFile and similar functions for crossing go111-118, with hedzr/log.dir.ReadFile...
  • v1.10.40

    • imp: parse the flag switch chars better
    • fix: dead-loop for positional args starts with '~/'
    • fea: FORCE_DEFAULT_ACTION for initial time, prints info with builtin defaultAction even if the valid command Action found.
    • imp: improved many godoc and code completion tips
    • imp: lint with golangci-lint now (...).
  • v1.10.35

    • fix nil exception while print error sometimes
  • More details at CHANGELOG



For Developer

For Developer

Fast Guide

See example-app, examples/, and cmdr-examples

Expand to source codes
package main

import (

func main() {

func Entry() {
	root := buildRootCmd()
	if err := cmdr.Exec(root, options...); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error occurs in app running: %+v\n", err)

func buildRootCmd() (rootCmd *cmdr.RootCommand) {
	root := cmdr.Root(appName, version).
		// AddGlobalPreAction(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) (err error) {
		//	// cmdr.Set("enable-ueh", true)
		//	return
		// }).
		// AddGlobalPreAction(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) (err error) {
		//	//fmt.Printf("# global pre-action 2, exe-path: %v\n", cmdr.GetExecutablePath())
		//	return
		// }).
		// AddGlobalPostAction(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) {
		//	//fmt.Println("# global post-action 1")
		// }).
		// AddGlobalPostAction(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) {
		//	//fmt.Println("# global post-action 2")
		// }).
		Copyright(copyright, "hedzr").
		Description(desc, longDesc).
	rootCmd = root.RootCommand()

	// for your biz-logic, constructing an AttachToCmdr(root *cmdr.RootCmdOpt) is recommended.
	// see our full sample and template repo:
	// core.AttachToCmdr(root.RootCmdOpt())

	// These lines are removable

		Titles("enable-ueh", "ueh").
		Description("Enables the unhandled exception handler?").
	// cmdrPanic(root)
	// pprof.AttachToCmdr(root.RootCmdOpt())

func cmdrSoundex(root cmdr.OptCmd) {

	cmdr.NewSubCmd().Titles("soundex", "snd", "sndx", "sound").
		Description("soundex test").
		TailPlaceholder("[text1, text2, ...]").
		Action(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) (err error) {
			for ix, s := range args {
				fmt.Printf("%5d. %s => %s\n", ix, s, tool.Soundex(s))


func onUnhandledErrorHandler(err interface{}) {
	if cmdr.GetBoolR("enable-ueh") {

	panic(err) // re-throw it

func dumpStacks() {
	fmt.Printf("\n\n=== BEGIN goroutine stack dump ===\n%s\n=== END goroutine stack dump ===\n\n", errors.DumpStacksAsString(true))

func init() {
	options = append(options, cmdr.WithUnhandledErrorHandler(onUnhandledErrorHandler))

	options = append(options,
			defaultDebugEnabled, defaultLoggerBackend, defaultLoggerLevel,
			log.WithTimestamp(true, "")))))

	options = append(options, cmdr.WithHelpTailLine(`
# Type '-h'/'-?' or '--help' to get command help screen.
# Star me if it's helpful:

	if isDebugBuild() {
		options = append(options, pprof.GetCmdrProfilingOptions())

	// enable '--trace' command line option to toggle a internal trace mode (can be retrieved by cmdr.GetTraceMode())
	// import ""
	// trace.WithTraceEnable(defaultTraceEnabled)
	// Or:
	optAddTraceOption := cmdr.WithXrefBuildingHooks(func(root *cmdr.RootCommand, args []string) {
			Titles("trace", "tr").
			Description("enable trace mode for tcp/mqtt send/recv data dump", "").
			// Action(func(cmd *cmdr.Command, args []string) (err error) { println("trace mode on"); cmdr.SetTraceMode(true); return; }).
	}, nil)
	options = append(options, optAddTraceOption)
	// options = append(options, optAddServerExtOpt«ion)

	// allow and search '.<appname>.yml' at first
	locations := []string{".$APPNAME.yml"}
	locations = append(locations, cmdr.GetPredefinedLocations()...)
	options = append(options, cmdr.WithPredefinedLocations(locations...))

	options = append(options, internal.NewAppOption())

func isDebugBuild() bool { return isdelve.Enabled }

var options []cmdr.ExecOption

//goland:noinspection GoNameStartsWithPackageName
const (
	appName   = "example-app"
	version   = "0.2.5"
	copyright = "example-app - A devops tool - cmdr series"
	desc      = "example-app is an effective devops tool. It make an demo application for 'cmdr'"
	longDesc  = `example-app is an effective devops tool. It make an demo application for 'cmdr'.
	examples = `
$ {{.AppName}} gen shell [--bash|--zsh|--fish|--auto]
  generate bash/shell completion scripts
$ {{.AppName}} gen man
  generate linux man page 1
$ {{.AppName}} --help
  show help screen.
$ {{.AppName}} --help --man
  show help screen in manpage viewer (for linux/darwin).
	overview = ``

	zero = 0

	defaultTraceEnabled  = true
	defaultDebugEnabled  = false
	defaultLoggerLevel   = "debug"
	defaultLoggerBackend = "logrus"

Tips for Building Your App

As building your app with cmdr, some build tags are suggested:

export GIT_REVISION="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
export GIT_SUMMARY="$(git describe --tags --dirty --always)"
export GOVERSION="$(go version)"
export BUILDTIME="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')"
export VERSION="$(grep -E "Version[ \t]+=[ \t]+" doc.go|grep -Eo "[0-9.]+")"
export W_PKG=""
export LDFLAGS="-s -w \
    -X '$W_PKG.Githash=$GIT_REVISION' \
    -X '$W_PKG.GitSummary=$GIT_SUMMARY' \
    -X '$W_PKG.GoVersion=$GOVERSION' \
    -X '$W_PKG.Buildstamp=$BUILDTIME' \
    -X '$W_PKG.Version=$VERSION'"

go build -v -ldflags "$LDFLAGS" -o ./bin/your-app ./your-app/


Feel free to issue me bug reports and fixes. Many thanks to all contributors.

Thanks to JODL

Thanks to JetBrains for donating product licenses to help develop ** cmdr**
jetbrains goland



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