Daniel Playfair Cal

Results 22 issues of Daniel Playfair Cal

**Behavior of the program** Freetube starts and it is possible to play videos, however after a few seconds (sometimes minutes) the following happens: 1. playback freezes 2. the window becomes...

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Depends on and includes https://github.com/swaywm/sway/pull/5942 (could also be independently rebased onto master) Depends on wlroots API: https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots/pull/2629 Some virtualised outputs provide a suggested position which indicates the relative position of...


## Description Add failing tests for https://github.com/ardatan/graphql-tools/issues/5740 Related https://github.com/ardatan/graphql-tools/issues/5740

### Issue workflow progress _Progress of the issue based on the [Contributor Workflow](https://github.com/the-guild-org/Stack/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#a-typical-contributor-workflow)_ - [ ] 1. The issue provides a reproduction available on Github, Stackblitz or CodeSandbox > Make...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I find it confusing that there are multiple navigation history stacks. As I navigate through the app and use the...


Just like here: https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/22983/web3-eth-contract-is-not-a-function-when-making-contract

It seems to be possible for a file to be detected as a music file by gmusicapi-wrapper but for mutagen to detect it as a non music file. This results...

The [convention](https://2ality.com/2017/04/setting-up-multi-platform-packages.html) for package.json fields is - `main`: code with CommonJS exports which is otherwise compatible with target platforms - `module`: code with ES6/harmony exports which is otherwise compatible with...