UnityDICOMVolumeRendering copied to clipboard
Not able to render the assets generated from converter script in volume rendering
I have sucessfully converted the *.dcm files to Textured3D asset which is saved as shown in below screeshot.
Next I have set the gradient as below
I am not able to render the asset in volume rendering. On play, I get
I have followed your blog https://tips.hecomi.com/entry/2021/09/27/002049 but I am still missing something minor. Can you help here? How to render the asset in volume rendering?
Is the Texture3D created correctly? In Unity 2021 you can check this in the inspector as described in the manual.
- https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.3/Documentation/Manual/class-Texture3D.html
Could you please check it?
It looks like Texture3D is rendered now