vim-leader-guide copied to clipboard
Thanks for writing vim-leader-guide, it's gonna be truly helping to onboard new vim users in my team :) I have in my configuration a couple of bindings that are assigned...
I'm trying to set up this plugin and I just spent a hefty amount of time debugging a ghost popup (`vim` would wait indefinitely until I pressed `` and then...
I have the following keybinds for the `z` prefix: ```vim n zs * :set foldmethod=syntaxzR n zi * :set foldmethod=indentzR n zm * :set foldmethod=markerzR n z * :LeaderGuide 'z'...
Instead of showing: After pressing Leader ``` [a] ... ``` Then press a ``` [b] SomeCommand ``` --- Show this directly: After pressing Leader ``` [ab] SomeCommand ... ```
Conflict handling between configuration dictionaries and native vim mappings is currently less than optimal. A quick example: ``` vim let g:lmap.g = { 'name' : 'Git menu' } nnoremap git-status...