Or not, actually - https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3219104.3219134 has been more useful than the main docs in terms of how things are meant to be run (there's a lot of info in the...
I think we're having a process mapping issue at the moment. (Charm's terminology is confusing). I stuck in some extra echoes into a `charmrun-verbose` It is doing the processes vs...
(Was also wondering if it might do better automatically with the `$TMPDIR/machines.unique` instead since I loaded an Intel MPI here).
I should check what the ofi-only version with no smp does on two nodes, then come back to this one.
Ahahah, ofi-smp job that was already in the queue with `machines.unique` has worked: ``` Charm++> Running on 2 hosts (2 sockets x 20 cores x 1 PUs = 40-way SMP)...
Did some comparisons of options (4 repeats of each in one job, ignoring the results from the first where it does the ffts). Yes, `+setcpuaffinity` for smp jobs! I wanted...
The simd vs nosimd is inconclusive so may as well leave it on.
Final (CPU) builds on Young: - [x] ofi-smp - [x] ofi - [x] charmrun wrapper(s) - [x] modulefiles - [x] user docs
Testing the charmrun wrapper.
Install on: - [x] Young - [x] Kathleen - [x] Thomas (for Michael) Modules are: ``` module unload -f compilers mpi module load compilers/intel/2019/update5 module load mpi/intel/2019/update5/intel module load namd/2.14/ofi/intel-2019...