ember-auth copied to clipboard
Problem with rememberable
I'm having a problem with rememberable in my application, when I delete my session on the server, and the "ember-auth-rememberable" cookie still has the old auth_token in it's value.
Here's the error I'm getting on init:
POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/sessions => 401 (Unauthorized)
Error while loading route: Object {}
Uncaught #<Object>
How do I fix that? I would like to redirect the user to index.
This is the configuration I'm using:
App.Auth = Ember.Auth.extend
request: 'jquery'
response: 'json'
strategy: 'token'
tokenKey: 'auth_token'
tokenIdKey: 'user_id'
tokenLocation: 'authHeader'
tokenHeaderKey: 'Token'
session: 'cookie'
signInEndPoint: '/api/v1/sessions'
signOutEndPoint: '/api/v1/sessions'
modules: ['authRedirectable', 'actionRedirectable', 'emberData']
route: 'index'
tokenKey: 'remember_token'
period: 14
autoRecall: true
signOutRoute: 'index'
userModel: 'user'
My SessionsController on the server sends this result back, when the session token is invalid:
render json: { }, status: :unauthorized
+1 When remember token is invalid and autoRecall is on it prevents the Ember app from loading.
Did you all ever figure out a way around this? It seems like for me the recall() promise never even gets rejected, as my route error handlers don't pick it up even.
Not yet. I'm still hoping for a solution for this. Until then you can check if the authtoken is valid by making a call to your server, before initializing ember auth.
This is my solution:
recall: function (opts) {
var token,
self = this;
if (null == opts)
opts = {};
if (!get$(get$(this, 'auth'), 'signedIn') && (token = this.retrieveToken())) {
set$(this, 'fromRecall', true);
opts.data || (opts.data = {});
get$(opts, 'data')[get$(get$(this, 'config'), 'tokenKey')] = token;
if (null != get$(get$(this, 'config'), 'endPoint')) {
return get$(this, 'auth').signIn(get$(get$(this, 'config'), 'endPoint'), opts);
} else {
return get$(this, 'auth').signIn(opts).catch(function(error){
// some actions to present error
} else {
return new (get$(get$(Em, 'RSVP'), 'resolve'));