
Results 125 issues of heartacker

**Describe the feature that you'd like** Git graph is extreme useful,helpful,beautiful. and how can we (extension developer) contribute to add some feature base on GitGraph? **Additional context (optional)** or could...

feature request

# Description of the new feature/enhancement https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_69.md#shell-integration 1. shellIntegration 2. [Command navigation](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_69.md#command-navigation) 3. [run-recent-command ](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_69.md#run-recent-command) 4. [Go to recent directory](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_69.md#go-to-recent-directory) 5. 👍 _Maintainer note: I'm hijacking this issue body, for...

Area-User Interface

### I've read Koodo Reader's roadmap, there is no similar feature. - [X] Yes ### This issue only requests one feature. - [X] Yes ### Brief Introduction it will be...

feature request

**Describe the bug** update and ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1876302/148004605-1326cc42-771e-4414-a6ef-cf59bfdb2ec1.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1876302/148004652-6d55b5dc-b1e6-4bb6-98a2-b50cc65e8f4c.png) ```log Info: === Logging started: 2022/01/04 11:08:08 === CommonData: Message type: 0, Argument: 1033 CommonData: Message type: 1, Argument: ScreenToGif ActionStart: Action 11:08:08:...

🔷 Bug 🐛
⬜ Missing Details
⬜ Pending

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1876302/177439027-1cb4ae77-6550-42dd-aa8f-749ed1ee771e.png) what is relation between right-arrow and check-out?


### Describe the bug winui3gallery://item/NumberBox i do not need this `X` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1876302/184308267-1d4469f7-ba38-4640-b0a9-a9e58173e0b6.png) ### Steps to reproduce the bug No property to disable this ### Expected behavior we could be able...

feature proposal

hi, according to the license file, Commercial use is not allowed. I wonder is it allowed that I use this docx to develop a internal gui-tool, only for a few...

Please describe your system environment before submitting your Issue. hi, I need to make the clock pulse locating the center of one cycle in order to sample the data ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1876302/130026362-9c8d6ce0-1a30-4047-9093-b1a82a9d1c17.png)...

question :question:

Please describe your system environment before submitting your Issue. justtlike the `phase` below. `{"name": "GPIO4_CLK", "wave" :"l.P.............l", "phase":0.4} ,` --> `{"name": "GPIO4_CLK", "wave" :"l.P.............l", "phase":0.4,"duty":0.4} ,` after that, we could...

enhancement :rainbow: