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🎅 A programming language (+ code playground) for Advent of Code.
🎅 Adventlang
My blog posts: Designing a Programming Language for Advent of Code and Designing a Code Playground for Adventlang
A strongly typed but highly dynamic programming language interpreter written in Go.
log("Hello, World!");
Try it out in the code playground!
In the second half of November, I designed and implemented this programming language for Advent of Code (AoC). I'll be using it to solve AoC's daily puzzles and adding to the standard library as I go. Will this language make it easier for you to solve the puzzles? No, certainly not. Here be dragons, etc. But it will increase my level of fun as I tap into the joyous energy that comes with forced-creativity-through-restriction.
Getting Started
Look in the tests folder for examples of how to use most language features.
If you're developing, you can use go run
and pass a file as an argument. In the root project directory:
go run cmd/adventlang.go tests/__run_tests.adv
An Example Program
// An if statement
if (true) {}
// An assignment expression declaring and setting a variable
// to an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
let result = (func(x) { return x + 1 })(4);
// Implemention of a Set using a closure over a dictionary
// `let my_set = set([]);` or `let items = set([1, 2])`
let set = func(list) {
let store = {};
if (type(list) == "list") {
for (let i = 0; i < len(list); i = i + 1) {
let key = list[i];
store[key] = true;
return {
"add": func(x) { store[x] = true; },
"has": func(x) { return store[x] == true }
// An example of a computed key
let key = "a";
let f = {key: 2};
// A runtime assert call, used in test programs
assert(f.a, 2);
Build for common platforms:
Run Tests
Experimental features
Run Adventlang programs via WebAssembly.
Try it on
On local, you can:
python docs/
And then Navigate to http://localhost:8000
Did You Complete AoC2021?
😅 I solved nine and a half puzzles .. and got distracted building out the language, creating a code playground, and writing blog posts.