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Rich directions experience for non-multimodal

Open ellenhp opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

  • [x] Surface alternates
  • [x] Allow selection of alternates
  • [ ] Collapse all the modes into a single screen (maybe?).
  • [x] Show a traditional list of steps
  • [x] Allow clicking on individual steps.
  • [ ] Fly to each turn and show an arrow on the polyline.
  • [ ] Move current scrubbable timeline UI to a "follow along" or "take me there" button on the steps view.
  • [x] Allow users to tap on an alternate's polyline to select it.

ellenhp avatar Aug 27 '22 19:08 ellenhp

  • Zoom in and center to the results showing all the alternate polylines when the results are presented. And when the user selects a particular polyline, zoom and center on that particular one. no-zoom

kresp0 avatar Sep 09 '22 22:09 kresp0

  • Allow drag the origin and destination markers. Nicer if the route is recalculated in near real-time while the user is dragging it, like in Gmaps.
  • Allow the user to add intermediate points.
  • Allow the user to drag the polyline to change the route.

kresp0 avatar Sep 09 '22 22:09 kresp0

  • Allow drag the origin and destination markers. Nicer if the route is recalculated in near real-time while the user is dragging it, like in Gmaps.
  • Allow the user to add intermediate points.
  • Allow the user to drag the polyline to change the route.

I think these are out of scope for the 0.1 release I have planned, but I'm going to make a new issue to track them because they're things I want to add for parity with other web maps clients.

ellenhp avatar Sep 10 '22 04:09 ellenhp

  • Zoom in and center to the results showing all the alternate polylines when the results are presented. And when the user selects a particular polyline, zoom and center on that particular one.

This seems to work correctly on my dev server but only works sometimes on maps.earth. I'll try and figure it out soon.

ellenhp avatar Sep 10 '22 04:09 ellenhp