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Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
Super Mario 64 in Tomb Raider by Headshotnoby
If you find any issues or bugs, please open an issue and provide a savefile and steps to reproduce the bug.
Savefile is located in %appdata%\OpenLara\savegame.dat
Levels tested and finished as Mario:
- [x] The Caves
- [x] City of Vilcabamba
- [x] The Lost Valley
- [x] Tomb of Qualopec
- [x] St Francis' Folly
- [x] Colosseum
- [x] Palace Midas
- [x] Cistern
- [x] Tomb of Tihocan
- [x] City of Khamoon
- [x] Obelisk of Khamoon
- [x] Sanctuary of the Scion
- [x] Natla's Mines
- [x] Atlantis
- [x] The Great Pyramid
Final quality of life improvements:
- [x] Add collisions to all entities (doors, trapdoors, trap floors) (muddymind)
- [x] Mario fall damage
- [x] Correct mesh loading between rooms (muddymind)
- [x] Make Mario's lighting blend in correctly with the rooms he is in (a glsl shader thing...)
- [x] Fix Mario's collisions with movable boxes on Atlantis and The Great Pyramid
- [x] Give Mario animations for certain events like pulling switches
- [x] Fix Mario's collisions with static meshes
- [x] Fix Mario being teleported below the map when jumping on an enemy (sometimes)
- [x] Allow moving Mario with analog stick/joystick
- [x] Add an option for each player to switch between Mario and Lara
- [x] Fix City of Vilcabamba water level at the end (muddymind)
- [x] Fix Mario not being able to swim inside passages that are 128 units tall (Cistern, Obelisk, Qualopec) (muddymind)
Big thanks to muddymind for the huge help during the development!
OpenLara project