Can you paste the concrete error messages and what kind of compilers do you use? Do you compile in C++11 mode? On 28.09.2014 23:20, ksharathk wrote: > Hello, > >...
Dear Roland, thank you for your hint. The difference between runge_kutta4_classic and runge_kutta4 lies in the implementation of the algorithm. runge_kutta4_classical uses a straight-forward implemetation similar to yours, while runge_kutta4...
Dear Roland, I had a look on your program. It seems, that in your case the abstraction of odeint has some significant performance overhead. I also run your program and...
Hi @vhartman, can you open a pull request with the controlled adams bashforth stepper? We will review the code and merge it into the master branch. Thank you for your...
Sorry, there is currently nothing like this in odeint. You might try the GSL, but I am not sure if they have something to detect stiffness.
Should be quite easy. I already implemented once a velocity verlet method. On 17.06.2013 13:44, kirilligum wrote: > Velocity Verlet is the most used integration method and used in all/most...
Hi Kirill, sorry for the delay. I have an implementation of the velociry verlet now but I do not have any test ODE. Can you look in the velocity_verlet branch,...
On 04.08.2013 19:33, kirilligum wrote: > will do. step size is not possible with verlet. > thank you. just one remark: I added the time as a parameter to system...
@kirilligum :I finished the stepper, even with docs but you have to build them manually right now, since the stepper is not in the master branch. Could you provide an...
Hi @kirilligum ? Are boundary condition important for? As fas as I know the Velocity Verlet is often used for molecular dyanmics simulations and here boundary conditions are crucial. I...