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denormalize_box_params in the norm_tensor
I have a question regarding obj_pointset = self.norm_tensor(obj_pointset, denormalize_box_params(tight_boxes[i]) Could you please help me out?
It seems like you assigned a number from 0 to 24 to angle(bbox[6]), right? and then you append the box to the tight_boxes.
if not self.vae_baseline:
bins = np.linspace(0, np.deg2rad(360), 24)
angle = np.digitize(bbox[6], bins)
bbox = normalize_box_params(bbox)
bbox[6] = angle
bins = np.linspace(0, np.deg2rad(360), 24)
bbox[6] = np.digitize(bbox[6], bins)
However, when you try to denormalize the box parameters before passing to the norm_tensor method, the statistics you used in the denormalize method is a radius number instead of a number from 0 to 24,right?
if not self.vae_baseline:
obj_pointset = self.norm_tensor(obj_pointset, denormalize_box_params(tight_boxes[i]),
scale=True, rotation=self.use_canonical, scale_func=self.scale_func)
It doesn't make much sense to me at the moment. Why did you do that?
Thanks for your help!