Henry "Hank" Doupe

Results 17 comments of Henry "Hank" Doupe

What's the status of #160? I'm upgrading Django from 1.8 to 1.9 right now. Solving the issue of moving from `django-jsonfield` to the postgres JSON field is pretty tricky. As...

@MattHJensen what does it mean for a parameter to be "unsafe"?

@jdebacker, a couple quick thoughts on this: - Using the ParamTools adjustment format is backwards compatible. Here's a notebook showing how this would work: https://github.com/hdoupe/Tax-Calculator/blob/eitc-mars/TC%20with%20EITC%20MARS%20param.ipynb - This uses a branch...

@MattHJensen I dropped a similar comment in @Peter-Metz's state-taxdata project, but you could read the PUF file from the OSPC AWS bucket like C/S does. To do this, you'd just...

Hey @jdebacker , this sounds like a nice enhancement. I think you may be able to implement the new rounding rules on the `taxcalc.Parameters` class by overriding the `extend_func` method:...

I think this is a good time to look into Tax-Calculator performance. Much of the performance-optimized code was written several years ago, and I'm sure that there have been improvements...

Also, Tax-Brain parallelizes Tax-Calculator computations [by splitting them up by year](https://github.com/PSLmodels/Tax-Brain/blob/master/taxbrain/taxbrain.py#L256-L264). Perhaps, users who need faster sims could try to run Tax-Calculator with Tax-Brain. This may not give them the...

> Next, I read in the full dump csv file and wrote it as a second csv file, in R. The write operation took only 6 seconds. Thus, it appears...

@hans-permana I'm running into a similar issue. How did you get the stack-trace you give in this [comment](https://github.com/Anaconda-Platform/anaconda-client/issues/473#issuecomment-389455635)?