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NOVA is a tool for annotating and analyzing behaviours in social interactions. It supports Annotators using Machine Learning already during the coding process. Further it features both, discrete label...

Results 18 nova issues
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Hello, I cloned this repository and launched `nova.exe`. I've imported a video and manually annotated a small part of it (at the beginning) with different discrete label (5 predefined labels...

Hi, My team and I love your application! :) I am working on a project with Stacy Marsella to annotate nonverbal behavior, and he asked me to write you about...

Hello, First thanks for sharing your work the software is great! I recently discovered Nova and I want to use it for my work. I'm specifically interested by the cooperative...

Hi, Currently, when a new csv file is opened in NOVA or when a NOVA project is loaded, a window ("Selection Dialog") appears to get the input from the user...

Double click nova.exe. A window frame showed up, then disappeared.

Hello and thank you for this tool! I am currently learning how to use the tool so I am using some example videos. When I am using the annotation ability...

Hi Nova team, Loved your tool and kudos on the efforts. Just made a [video tutorial]( to help newbies get started. Hope this helps. Eagerly following how this project progresses...

![image]( Press ok, then exit automatically.

The "Annotator" meta property is not being stored in the meta field of annotation lists. I.e., opening a project with a tier like this: ```xml ``` Will correctly show the...

The 'w' hotkey inserts an annotation between the green and red cursor, but only if the green cursor has been places by the mouse. If the green cursor has been...