list-colors.zsh icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
list-colors.zsh copied to clipboard

# fancy list-colors originally by nicoulaj

fancy list-color

Originally nicoulaj at

Thank you very much Julien Nicoulaud!

Adapted by: Takeshi Banse [email protected], public domain

I want to teach the $LS_COLORS as much as possible.

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.list-colors.zsh demo (link:[]) image:["list-corols.zsh", link=""]

It is far from complete though. It can't respect the file-type specific dircolor settings. Though it will try to respect the directory-type color (which is set by dircolors) by giving a special attention to the completion group name, but it's still quite error-prone. Please be aware of.



% git clone % cd list-colors.zsh % $SHELL -uc ". ./list-colors.zsh && list-colors-zcompile ~/.dir_colors ~/.zsh/" ** Dumping and zcompiling for ~/.dir_colors re-compiling ~/.zsh/list-colors-init.zwc: succeeded ** All done. ** Please update your .zshrc like this: -- >8 -- fpath+=~/.zsh autoload -Uz list-colors-init; list-colors-init zstyle -e ':completion:*:default' list-colors list-colors list-colors-aux

zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''

If you want to make it to respect directory-type color setting, you need

to uncomment above line, please.

-- 8< --



list-colors-zcompile - Dump and zcompile list-corols.zsh


[verse] 'list-colors-zcompile'


Dumps out the list-colors.zsh's variable which will be converted from
<dircolors file> (`dircolors(5)`) and functions which will be actually
needed at the runtime under <directory to output> which is most likely in
`$fpath`. <color file> is used to define the colors which maps `dircolors`
color to the another/cursor color.


The following will read the '{tilde}/.dir_colors' then generate '{tilde}/.zsh/list-colols{,zwc}'.

% $SHELL -uc ". ./list-colors && list-colors-zcompile ~/.dir_colors ~/.zsh"