vue3-dnd copied to clipboard
Invariant Violation: Expected drag drop context
Why do I use dnd to report an error in my application, is there a problem with the usage method, and how can I adjust it?
First of all, you should first confirm whether the DndProvider is used in the upper component and the correct attributes are passed
If you are sure that there is no problem with the above steps, but you still encounter the above error, you can check whether there are two vue-demi in node_modules at the same time (for example, vueuse and vue3-dnd are installed at the same time), or exist at the same time Two different versions of vue etc.
If you encounter such a problem, I suggest you use pnpm install
to solve it
我也出现了这个问题,我使用的是pnpm install,我的项目里面的确有vueuse
我也出现了这个问题,我使用的是pnpm install,我的项目里面的确有vueuse
我也出现了这个问题,我使用的是pnpm install,我的项目里面确实有vueuse
我也出现了这个问题,我使用的是pnpm install,我的项目里面确实有vueuse
你这段代码出现这个的原因在于,你的DndProvider没有放到上层组件,或者你把drop封装成一个单独的组件,DndProvider和useDrop/useDrag/useDragLayer在同一个组件内时,确实会出现这种问题,原因是provider和inject找的是上层组件,而不是当前组件 @LIUSHUAI2018