Holger Bruch

Results 40 comments of Holger Bruch

Heute kam nochmal diese Antwort auf meine Email-Anfrage an IVLZ: „Das Parkleitsystem erfährt derzeit eine grundlegende Erneuerung. Der Bau des neuen Systems dauert bis Mitte 2020. In absehbarer Zeit wird...

Aus Telefonat mit Straßen-/Tiefbauamt der Stadt Kassel: Die URLs auf die beiden Publikationen "Statische Parkdaten" und "Dynamische Parkdaten" werden nach Bestätigung der [MDM-Nutzungsbedingungen-der-Stadt-Kassel v1.0.pdf](https://github.com/offenesdresden/ParkAPI/files/3111787/MDM-Nutzungsbedingungen-der-Stadt-Kassel.v1.0.pdf) (dl-de-by-2-0 + Konkretisierung des Quellenvermerks +...

Auch der Nutzer der Anwendung. Die Anwendung muss dies bei einer Datenlizenz mit Namensnennung sicherstellen.

> I could think something framework agnostic. Sounds great. > Does other providers support route calculation? I know of http://openride.xeneris.net/ which uses Graphhopper to calculate detour for matches. > Could...

+1 for federation support. However, that would require a common protocol used by various ridematching providers. To my knowledge, no standard like this yet exists.

Could you please describe why you think that the last query does not work? It returns results with place:city and place:village. What behavior do you expect?

With the current photon version (0.3-Alpha-1), for all queries above the expected matches are returned.

Not yet. Very good suggestion, providing a geocoder-tester testcase should become good practice. I'll do so for this one.

Nominatim place_ids are unique, but Photon currently does not import places from Nominatim's `location_postcode` table.

I explored elasticsearch's hyphenation_decompounder. Currently, there exist some issues which need further work: * ES currently requires an explicit dictionary (word_list) that must contain all subwords to be returned as...