Holger Brands
Holger Brands
I'm no TreeList expert, but I had a look though: In your test after line source.add(0, "A"); you have the following tree structure: "A", "A", "AB" (all real nodes, where...
I think it's a BUG. In the method 'indexOf' of class 'RegularExpressionTextSearchStrategy', the following always returns 'false': >> matcher.reset(text).matches() In fact, I have created a custom strategy, and replaced the...
The following tests succeed, so matcher.reset(text).matches() doesn't always return false: public void testIndexOf() { RegularExpressionTextSearchStrategy strategy = new RegularExpressionTextSearchStrategy(); strategy.setSubtext("[a-z]"); assertEquals(0, strategy.indexOf("a")); } public void testMultipleMatches() { RegularExpressionTextSearchStrategy strategy =...
Interesting tests! In fact, the 'find' is more tolerant than the 'matches': ----------------- // this will FAIL public void testMatches() { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("a").matcher(""); assertTrue(matcher.reset("abc").matches()); } // this PASS...
I'm not sure that this is Glazed Lists' fault. The `filterBypass `object is not created by Glazed Lists, it's the default one. This `DefaultFilterBypass `does not handle the property at...
I was pondering the implementation of this feature and I suddenly remembered an article from an old JDJ. After making use of my JDJ Resource CD, I tracked it down...
GH-90 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. *** by jessewilson
James has been hard at work for a long time, now it's officially his. by jessewilson
I'm also interested in Kotlin but I'm still a newbie so to say. So, at this point I would not feel comfortable to adopt Kotlin in Glazed Lists (yet). And...
in progress... by brands