BabushkaText icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BabushkaText copied to clipboard

A simpler way to style your TextViews


BabushkaText is a custom TextView which lets you customize the styling of parts of your text via Spannables, but without the hassle of having to deal directly with Spannable themselves.

  • Create complex style structures for your text without having to add multiple TextViews to your view hierarchy.
  • Eliminate setSpan(Object what, int start, int end, int flags) calls by using more convenient methods such as .style(Typeface.BOLD), .superscript() and others.

What can I do with BabushkaText?

Examples of different styles. Each one is a single TextView.



Generate the following style:

NewY York

With the code below:

        BabushkaText babushka = (BabushkaText)findViewById(;

        // Add the first piece "Central Park"
        babushka.addPiece(new BabushkaText.Piece.Builder("Central Park, NY\n")

        // Add the second piece "1.2 mi"
        babushka.addPiece(new BabushkaText.Piece.Builder("1.2 mi ")

        // Add the third piece "from here"
        babushka.addPiece(new BabushkaText.Piece.Builder("from here")

        // Display the final, styled text

What kind of styles can I add?

Right now you can customize the style of your text by using the following methods, which internally get converted to the corresponding Spannables

Babushka Method Internal Span
textSize AbsoluteSizeSpan
textColor ForegroundColorSpan
textSizeRelative RelativeSizeSpan
backgroundColor BackgroundColorSpan
style StyleSpan
underline UnderlineSpan
strike StrikethroughSpan
superscript SuperscriptSpan
subscript SubscriptSpan

What else can I do?

Once you've created and displayed your BabushkaText, you can modify the text contents of each Piece individually. For example, if we want to change the 1.2 mi from the above example into 1.9 km, we could do the following:

// grab the Piece at position 1
Piece piece = babushka.getPiece(1);

// modify it's text
piece.setText("1.9 km ");

// you must always call display after you alter a Piece's text


BabushkaText is a single Java file, so you can simply download it and reference it in your project.

Download here: BabushkaText

Or if you prefer, you can simply download the JAR

Contact Me

If you find any bugs or have a problem while using this library, please open an issue in this repo (or a pull request :)).


Copyright 2014 Henrique Boregio

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.