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Sparkleshare does not popUP for /.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2019-07-23_10h48.key password input

Open lucasmlousada opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Logs created:

What happened:

When running from system tray

16:18:31 SparkleShare/$internal.repo/folder | Initializing... 16:18:31 Cmd | operations | git config core.ignorecase false 16:18:31 Cmd | operations | git config remote.origin.url "ssh://[email protected]/git/$folder" 16:18:31 Cmd | operations | git config core.sshCommand ssh -i /home/$user/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2019-07-23_10h48.key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/$user/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/known_hosts -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -F /dev/null

And hangs in there.

When running from a terminal as:

flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=sparkleshare org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare

it prompts for the password and it works, pulls repo and from time to time, request the password again: Enter passphrase for key '/home/$user/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2019-07-23_10h48.key':

What I expected to happen:

create a popUP window requesting password for the key and do not request the password multiple times.

I'm running on arch with XFCE4

lucasmlousada avatar Jul 24 '19 08:07 lucasmlousada

Same here. I moved from flatpak to the one in the Ubuntu repos and I can't decrypt the existing files, it doens't ask for a password despite the "crypto" in the repo name

torakiki avatar Mar 23 '22 14:03 torakiki