graphviz2drawio copied to clipboard
Error in conversion to drawio - KeyError
Hi, I'm getting KeyError on both invisible nodes in my graph. Seems that graphviz doesn't create those nodes when converting to SVG.
Here's the dot source and I'm adding the generated SVG by hand as an attachment as well. (dot -Gsplines=none | neato -n -Gsplines=ortho -Tsvg -oanon.svg
digraph G {
graph [rankdir = LR, splines=ortho];
emmc [label="eMMC" color="blue"]
boot_host [label="" style=invis width=0 height=2]
spinor [label="SPI NOR" color="green"]
soc [label="SoC" height=4]
nand [label="Raw NAND" color="yellow"]
dev_eth [label="" style=invis width=0 height=2]
eeprom [label="I2C EEPROM" color="red"]
emmc -> soc [arrowhead=none]
boot_host -> soc [xlabel="Boot Source"]
boot_host -> soc [xlabel="USB" dir=both]
spinor -> soc [arrowhead=none]
soc -> nand [arrowhead=none]
soc -> dev_eth [xlabel="USB-OTG" dir=both]
soc -> dev_eth [xlabel="Ethernet" dir=both]
soc -> eeprom [arrowhead=none]