Harsh Baldevbhai Bhakt
Harsh Baldevbhai Bhakt
I am trying to reproduce the issue with the same code and configuration but somehow unable to reproduce it.
Can you give me the exact string value for sRequiredCountries?
Oh...that too worked... I have been trying to reproduce the issue but somehow not able to achieve it. If you can create some demo app that can reproduce it, that...
Hello @shreya2224, were you able to reproduce on demo app?
This is when you are using a nav graph. One fragment has ccp with phone edit text. This work well until you navigate to next fragment and come back. Did...
You need carrier number, right? That’s is exactly what user enters in your editText so `editText.getText()` should work. On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 02:17 Samrat Lahiri wrote: > For...
I see.. try this... bind your Carrier edit text with CCP and then ccp.loadFullNumber() this will Set carrier number in edit text. Unfortunately I did not create any util to...
Thanks for reporting. I know this is critical issue but this is puzzling because it happens on certain devices which I don't have physically and I can not test. I...
I just tried with Nexus 5x (one of the devices that you listed) on emulator and could not reproduce the issue.
Are you using Proguard on your production app?