### Describe the Issue campers have noticed that step 12 of the dice game (js beta) project allows a subset of the expected code for resetGame to be written (see...
### Describe the Issue In step 7 of the dice game (js beta) project, the instructions say: >>>If a number appears four or more times, you will need to update...
### Describe the Issue in step 13 of the dice game (js beta), the instructions say: >Your detectFullHouse function should check if the user has rolled three of one number...
### Describe the Issue step 13 of the dice game (js beta) project asks the user to create a new function but neglects to mention that this function should expect...
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I noticed that the js beta introduced classes but not the idea of class inheritance which used to be...
### Describe the Issue step 104 of the decimal to binary converter project (js beta) requires the users to type in the following answer: `document.getElementById(obj.inputVal);` to pass the step. However...
### Describe the Issue The fcc authors page project (js beta) tells campers to handle errors in the fetch call by displaying a new paragraph element. However when testing it,...
### Describe the Issue In step 2 of the fcc authors page project (js beta), the following intro paragraph is provided: >The Fetch API is a built-in JavaScript interface to...
### Describe the Issue Someone on the forum reported unexpected behaviour from the fcc editor here: https://forum.freecodecamp.org/t/cash-register-cryptic-error-in-preview-screen/705785 Can someone take a look because it is not clear whether it is...
### Describe the Issue In the platformer game's (js beta) step 84 (and step 88), the step expects us to write this new line of code ```js player.position.x >= platform.position.x...