
Results 85 issues of hbar1st

### Describe the Issue Should the string "Hello World" be enclosed in backticks in order for the translators to know that it should not be translated? Specific strings that I...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue In the comment string: Assign 5 to oopsGlobal Here The word Here is capitalized. I am not sure why as this does not seem to be...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue Has anyone thought about adding a new section to the translated version of the curriculum to explain to people how to find characters like backslash and...

type: bug
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue in the old JS curriculum, the challenge titled "Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript" uses backticks inconsistently. For eg. The instructions use backticks around the...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue Step 46 of the project to build a balance sheet asks learners to add the `!important` term to each property present in the `span[class~="sr-only"]` selector. Someone...

type: bug
help wanted
scope: curriculum

### Describe the Issue curriculum/course/step: 04-data-visualization/json-apis-and-ajax/handle-click-events-with-javascript-using-the-onclick-property.md This file contains the following test message: Your code should use the document.getElementById method to select the getMessage element. However, the reference to "getMessage...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue About halfway through the D3 (data visualization with D3) course, we see the phrase "SVG canvas" for the first time on this page: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/data-visualization/data-visualization-with-d3/add-labels-to-d3-elements However prior...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue In the step: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/data-visualization/data-visualization-with-d3/change-styles-based-on-data We see the text: "You can use a callback function in the style() method to change the styling for different elements." Which...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue Similar to issue #49408 Please also update another step that has the same issue and should get a similar fix: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/basic-javascript/comparisons-with-the-logical-and-operator The sentence: "will only return...

type: bug
scope: curriculum
status: waiting triage

### Describe the Issue The use of preformatted text within regular text causes a problem for Arabic language comprehension when the preformatted text is allowed to wrap. The user cannot...

type: bug
status: discussing
scope: curriculum