ShortcutsPreview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ShortcutsPreview copied to clipboard

A multiplatform bot for showing the details of Shortcuts when linked by their iCloud URL.


A multiplatform bot for showing the details of Shortcuts when linked by their iCloud URL.


You need to make a config.json in the root. Each service (such as reddit or discord) will have its own object for settings applying to that service, along with a global object that applies to all services. For example:

    "global": {
        "enabled": true
    "reddit": {
        "credentials": {
            "clientId": "h4yk4m821",
            "clientSecret": "It's a secret to everybody."
    "discord": {
        "token": "insertyourtokenhere"
	"telegram": {
		"token": "insertyourothertokenhere"

Since global.enabled is true, reddit.enabled and discord.enabled are also true. If you set enabled to false for a service, you can not use it.


After starting the script, you can use it in Reddit and Discord, depending on if the service was properly set up. There are also hosted versions available.


Allow the Reddit bot to detect posts by inviting the bot to the moderation team. It only uses the posts permission since it only needs it to sticky its preview comment, but it will work with no moderator permissions. The hosted version is u/ShortcutsPreview.

Link posts with a iCloud URL linking to a shortcut will be previewed, in the form of a possibly-stickied comment.


The Discord bot needs three permissions to work:

  • Read Messages
  • Send Messages
  • Send Links

You can invite the hosted version with the necessary permissions through this link.

The first iCloud URL found in a message is previewed with an embed message.


You can add the hosted bot through this link.