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A Go package providing thread-safe implementations of array, slice, map, stack and queue
A Go package providing thread-safe implementations of arrays, slices, maps, stack & queue using generics and type constraints.
To install the package, use the following command:
go get
This package provides thread-safe implementations for arrays, slices, maps, stack & queue. Below are usage examples and API lists for each of these data types.
Thread-Safe Array
A thread-safe array with a fixed size.
NewArray(size int) *Array[T]
- Creates a new thread-safe array with the given size. -
(*Array[T]) Get(index int) (T, bool)
- Retrieves the value at the given index. -
(*Array[T]) Set(index int, value T) bool
- Sets the value at the given index. -
(*Array[T]) Append(value T)
- Appends a value to the array. -
(*Array[T]) Remove(index int) bool
- Removes the element at the given index. -
(*Array[T]) Contains(value T) bool
- Checks if the array contains the specified value. -
(*Array[T]) Clear()
- Clears all elements from the array. -
(*Array[T]) Insert(index int, value T) bool
- Inserts a value at the specified index. -
(*Array[T]) Copy() *Array[T]
- Returns a copy of the array. -
(*Array[T]) Values() []T
- Returns a slice of all elements in the array. -
(*Array[T]) Length() int
- Returns the length of the array.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new thread-safe array with size 5
arr := threadsafe.NewArray[int](5)
// Set values in the array
for i := 0; i < arr.Length(); i++ {
arr.Set(i, i*10)
// Get values from the array
for i := 0; i < arr.Length(); i++ {
value, _ := arr.Get(i)
Thread-Safe Slice
A dynamically-sized, thread-safe slice.
NewSlice() *Slice[T]
- Creates a new thread-safe slice. -
(*Slice[T]) Append(value T)
- Appends a value to the slice. -
(*Slice[T]) Get(index int) (T, bool)
- Retrieves the value at the given index. -
(*Slice[T]) Set(index int, value T) bool
- Sets the value at the given index. -
(*Slice[T]) Remove(index int) bool
- Removes the element at the given index. -
(*Slice[T]) Contains(value T) bool
- Checks if the slice contains the specified value. -
(*Slice[T]) Clear()
- Clears all elements from the slice. -
(*Slice[T]) Insert(index int, value T) bool
- Inserts a value at the specified index. -
(*Slice[T]) Copy() *Slice[T]
- Returns a copy of the slice. -
(*Slice[T]) Values() []T
- Returns a slice of all values present in the slice. -
(*Slice[T]) Length() int
- Returns the length of the slice.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new thread-safe slice
slice := threadsafe.NewSlice[int]()
// Append values to the slice
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
slice.Append(i * 10)
// Get values from the slice
for i := 0; i < slice.Length(); i++ {
value, _ := slice.Get(i)
// Set values in the slice
for i := 0; i < slice.Length(); i++ {
slice.Set(i, i*20)
// Get updated values from the slice
for i := 0; i < slice.Length(); i++ {
value, _ := slice.Get(i)
Thread-Safe Map
A thread-safe map for storing key-value pairs.
NewMap() *Map[K, V]
- Creates a new thread-safe map. -
(*Map[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool)
- Retrieves the value associated with the key. -
(*Map[K, V]) Set(key K, value V)
- Sets the value for the given key. -
(*Map[K, V]) Delete(key K)
- Deletes the value associated with the key. -
(*Map[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
- Checks if the map contains the specified key. -
(*Map[K, V]) Clear()
- Clears all key-value pairs from the map. -
(*Map[K, V]) Copy() *Map[K, V]
- Returns a copy of the map. -
(*Map[K, V]) Length() int
- Returns the number of key-value pairs in the map. -
(*Map[K, V]) Keys() []K
- Returns a slice of all keys present in the map. -
(*Map[K, V]) Values() []V
- Returns a slice of all values present in the map.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new thread-safe map
m := threadsafe.NewMap[string, int]()
// Set values in the map
m.Set("one", 1)
m.Set("two", 2)
m.Set("three", 3)
// Get values from the map
value, _ := m.Get("one")
value, _ = m.Get("two")
// Delete a key from the map
// Check if a key exists
_, ok := m.Get("two")
if !ok {
fmt.Println("Key 'two' not found")
// Get the length of the map
length := m.Length()
fmt.Println("Length:", length)
// Get all keys from the map
keys := m.Keys()
fmt.Println("Keys:", keys)
// Get all values from the map
values := m.Values()
fmt.Println("Values:", values)
Thread-Safe Stack
A thread-safe stack for safely adding and removing items.
NewStack() *Stack
- Creates a new thread-safe stack. -
(*Stack) Push(value interface{})
- Adds an element to the stack. -
(*Stack) Pop() (interface{}, bool)
- Removes and returns an element from the stack. Returnsfalse
if the stack is empty. -
(*Stack) Peek() (interface{}, bool)
- Returns the element at the top of the stack without removing it. -
(*Stack) IsEmpty() bool
- Checks if the stack is empty. -
(*Stack) Clear()
- Clears all elements from the stack. -
(*Stack) Values() []interface{}
- Returns a slice of all elements in the stack. -
(*Stack) Len() int
- Returns the number of elements in the stack.
package main
import (
func main() {
stack := threadsafe.NewStack()
fmt.Println("Stack length:", stack.Len())
value, ok := stack.Pop()
if ok {
fmt.Println("Popped value:", value)
} else {
fmt.Println("Stack is empty")
fmt.Println("Stack length after pop:", stack.Len())
Thread-Safe Queue
A thread-safe queue for safely adding and removing items.
NewQueue() *Queue
- Creates a new thread-safe queue. -
(*Queue) Enqueue(value interface{})
- Adds an element to the queue. -
(*Queue) Dequeue() (interface{}, bool)
- Removes and returns an element from the queue. Returnsfalse
if the queue is empty. -
(*Queue) Peek() (interface{}, bool)
- Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it. -
(*Queue) IsEmpty() bool
- Checks if the queue is empty. -
(*Queue) Clear()
- Clears all elements from the queue. -
(*Queue) Values() []interface{}
- Returns a slice of all elements in the queue. -
(*Queue) Len() int
- Returns the number of elements in the queue.
Queue Example
package main
import (
func main() {
queue := threadsafe.NewQueue()
fmt.Println("Queue length:", queue.Len())
value, ok := queue.Dequeue()
if ok {
fmt.Println("Dequeued value:", value)
} else {
fmt.Println("Queue is empty")
fmt.Println("Queue length after dequeue:", queue.Len())