hi. when i tried to open .ply files,i found that they can't be open by plyfile,cloudcompare and meshlab. should .ply files be preprocessed?
Am I missing sth?
Has anyone been able to run the code successfully? I found that the newly created envs according to this step cannot compile pointnet2 normally, there are various bugs
error: RuntimeError: Error building extension 'cd': [1/1] c++ chamfer_distance.o chamfer_distance.cuda.o -shared -L/home/hay/Downloads/ENTER/envs/NePs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/lib -lc10 -lc10_cuda -ltorch_cpu -ltorch_cuda -ltorch -ltorch_python -L/home/hay/Downloads/ENTER/envs/NePs/lib64 -lcudart -o cd.so FAILED: cd.so c++ chamfer_distance.o chamfer_distance.cuda.o -shared -L/home/hay/Downloads/ENTER/envs/NePs/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/lib -lc10...
hi. i download the scannetv2 .ply files,but the prepare_data_inst.py can't open it. error:plyfile.PlyHeaderParseError: line 1: expected one of {ply} this meas the ply files header error? but i'm pretty sure...