9TAG icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
9TAG copied to clipboard

AutoTag script for 9gag. You can inject it using Tampermoney or Greasemonkey.

9TAG: AutoTag On 9GAG

AutoTag script for 9gag. You can inject it using Tampermoney or Greasemonkey.


  1. Download Tampermonkey in chrome.
  2. Click on Tampermonkey icon. Enable it(if it is disabled) in Chrome.
  3. Add a new script.
  4. Copy paste the script from script.js in this repo.
  5. Add the tags of the users of your choice in array(s) (Note: 3 tags per 1 element in array).
  6. Save it.
  7. Login on 9gag and visit the post where you want to tag
  8. Make sure script is enabled by clicking on Tampermonkey icon.
  9. Use F2 to run list1, F4->list2, F8->list3, F9->list4.
  10. Enjoy.


  1. You can use Greasemonkey if you're a Firefox user instead of tampermonkey as well.
  2. You must need to run list1(F2) before running any other list.
  3. It has been a long time, this script might not work.