dotfiles copied to clipboard
dotfiles: .zshrc, .bash_profile & .inputrc with terminal and iterm2 color profiles
Tested with OS X 10.7 to 12.6. Colors based on ahmetsulek's Flat Terminal
- First deal with your current .zsh file by backing up and removing if you have one
- Navigate to where you've cloned the repo and run:
ln -s $(pwd)/.zshrc $HOME/.zshrc
ln -s $(pwd)/.gitignore $HOME/.gitignore
- Open the .terminal file and change profile preferences to set it as the default
Aliases & Features
- s - opens a file in sublime text
si <cmd> - open the result of a command in text editor, eg
si git diff
sman <cmd> - open the man page of a command in text editor, eg
sman top
- o - short for open. 'o' opens the current directory in finder
- l - list files in long format
- la - list all files including dotfiles, in long format
- trash <file> - move file to trash
- serve starts a web server at the current directory
- jump to commonly used directories - bk - go back a directory
- desktop - cd ~/Desktop
- .. - cd ..
- ... - cd ../..
- .... - cd ../../..
- ..... - cd ../../../..
- gs - git status
- ga - git add .
- gc <message> - git commit -m
- gca <message> - git commit -a -m
- gcap <message> - git commit -a -m <message> && git push
- gpush - git push
- gpull - git pull
- gdiff - git diff
- gk - git checkout
- initialises repo with a given url - gopen - opens current repository in a browser more info
Auto-installed scripts
Additional scripts installed into ~/.bash_scripts/ on first run
- z jump script - 'Tracks your most used directories, based on frequency'
- git-completion - Autocomplete for git from Github's main repository
- trash - 'trash allows trashing of files instead of tempting fate with rm'
- git-open - 'Type git-open to open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser'
- git
- node.js/npm
Sublime style keybindings for Xcode
Symlink or copy Sublime.idekeybindings into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/
ln -s $(pwd)/Sublime.idekeybindings ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/Sublime.idekeybindings
Key bindings iTerm2 (manual entry)
text-editor style line navigation
Combo | Action | Send |
⌘← | "HEX CODE" | 0x01 |
⌘→ | "HEX CODE" | 0x05 |
⌥← | "SEND ESC SEQ" | b |
⌥→ | "SEND ESC SEQ" | f |