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The macro toolkit
Tinkerbell Macro Library
Explained in current marketing speak, tink_macro
is the macro toolkit ;)
History and Mission
Historically, this library's predecessor for Haxe 2 started out when macros were a completely new feature. Boldly titled "the ultimate macro utility belt" it implemented reification and expression pattern matching before they were Haxe language features, and added a higher level macro tooling API (for string conversion, expression traversal and what not) to fill in the holes that the standard library left.
As Haxe evolved and some of the functionality has been integrated/reimplemented/superceeded in the standard library or even as first class language feature, the mission of tink_macro
has shifted. Rather than being a standalone solution for macro programming, it is now a complement to all the things the Haxe language and the haxe.macro
package can do out of the box.
The library is build on top of the haxe macro API and tink_core
, having three major parts:
Macro API
Expression Tools
- Basic Helpers
- Extracting Constants
- Shortcuts
- Type Inspection
- Advanced Transformations
- Position Tools
- Type Tools
- Function Tools
- Operation Tools
- Metadata Tools
Expression Tools
Build Infrastructure
- Member
- ClassBuilder
- Creation
- Visibility
- Initial Super Call
- Simple Modifications
Field Initialization
- Setter Bypass
- Initialization Options
- Expression Level Transformation
- TypeMap
Macro API
It is suggested to use this API by using tink.MacroApi;
Apart form tink_macro
specific things, it will also use haxe.macro.ExprTools
and tink.core.Outcome
Expression Tools
Basic Helpers
at(e:ExprDef, ?pos:Position):Expr
A short hand for creating expression as for exampleEReturn(value).at(position)
, instead of the more verbose{ expr: EReturn(value), pos: position }
. Ifpos
is omitted, it defaults toContext.currentPos()
ifNull(e:Expr, fallback:Expr):Expr
Because optional arguments to macros actually are notnull
, but in factEConst(CIdent('null'))
, you can use this to easily substitute those against a default value. -
reject(e:Expr, ?reason:String):Dynamic
Rejects an expression and displays a generic or custom error message -
Converts an expression into the corresponding Haxe source code -
log(e:Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
Traces the string representation of an expression and returns it. -
concat(e1:Expr, e2:Expr):Expr
Concats two expressions into a block. If either sub-expression is a block itself, it gets flattened into the resulting block.
Extracting Constants
Checks whether an expression is the identifier_
getInt(e:Expr):Outcome<Int, tink.core.Error>
Attempts extracting an integer constant from an expression -
getString(e:Expr):Outcome<String, tink.core.Error>
Attempts extracting a string constant from an expression -
getIdent(e:Expr):Outcome<String, tink.core.Error>
Attempts extracting an identifier from an expression. Note that an identifier can be a CIdent or CType, with the only difference being the capitalization of the first letter. -
getName(e:Expr):Outcome<String, tink.core.Error>
Attempts extracting a name, i.e. a string constant or identifier from an expression
Often reification is prefereable to these shortcuts - if applicable. Unlike reification, the position of these expressions will default to Context.currentPos()
rather than the position where they were created.
toExpr(v:Dynamic, ?pos:Position):Expr
Converts a constant to a corresponding haXe expression. For example5
would become{ expr: EConst(CInt('5'), pos: pos }
field(e:Expr, field:String, ?pos:Position):Expr
Creates a field access to a given expression. -
call(e:Expr, ?params:Array<Expr>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Creates a call to a given expression. -
unOp(e:Expr, op:UnOp, ?postFix:Bool = false, ?pos:Position):Expr
Creates a unary operation on a given expression. -
binOp(e1:Expr, e2:Expr, op:BinOp, ?pos:Position):Expr
Creates a binary operation on a given expression. -
drill(parts:Array<String>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Creates an expression, that "drills" through an array of Strings as a chain of identifiers. For example['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].drill()
will generate the codefoo.bar.baz
. -
resolve(s:String, ?pos:Position):Expr
A shortcut to drill, only with a '.'-separated path. Especially helpful when calling global functions:"haxe.Log.trace".resolve().call(["Hello world".toExpr()])
add(e1:Expr, e2:Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
A shorthand to return the sum of two expressions -
assign(target:Expr, value:Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
Generates an assign statement. -
toBlock(exprs:Iterable<Expr>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Takes multiple expressions and turns them into a block -
toMBlock(exprs:Array<Block>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Takes multiple expressions and turns them into a mutable block, i.e. if you modify theexprs
given to this function, the expression will be affected. Use this with care! Especially, do not return expressions to client code that you intend to modify further. This can lead to weird behavior and errors that are hard to track, even more so because all this happens at macro time. -
toArray(exprs:Iterable<Expr>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Takes multiple expressions and turns them into an array declaration. -
toFields(object:Dynamic<Expr>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Takes a key-value-map and turns it into an object declaration. -
define(name:String, ?init:Expr, ?typ:ComplexType, ?pos:Position):Expr
Generates a variable declaration. Please note that the parent expression of a variable declaration must be a block. -
cond(cond:ExprRequire<Bool>, cons:Expr, ?alt:Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
Generates a simple if statement. -
iterate(target:Expr, body:Expr, ?loopVar:String = 'i', ?pos:Position):Expr
Will loop overtarget
with a loop variable calledloopVar
Type Inspection
is(e:Expr, c:ComplexType):Bool
Tells you whether a given expression has a given type. If you have aType
at hand, usetoComplex
to convert it to a complex type. -
getIterType(target:Expr):Outcome<Type, tink.core.Error>
Inspects, whether an expression can be iterated over and if so returns the element type. -
typeof(expr:Expr, ?locals:Array<Var>):Outcome<Type, tink.core.Error>
Attempts to determine the type of an expression. Note that you can uselocals
to hint the compiler the type of certain identifiers. For example if you are in a build macro, and you want to get the type of a subexpression of a method body, you could "fake" the other members of the class as local variables, because in that context, the other members do not yet exists from the compiler's perspective.
Advanced Transformations
has(e:Expr, condition:Expr->Bool, ?options: { ?enterFunctions: Bool })
This function actually does no transformation, but is very close to the rest of these functions. It allows you to check whether an expression has a sub-expression that satisfiescondition
. By default, it does not enter nested functions. -
transform(source:Expr, transformer:Expr->Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
Will traverse an expression inside out and build a new one through the supplied transformer. -
substitute(source:Expr, vars:Dynamic<Expr>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Will build a new expression substituting identifiers given found as fields ofvars
through the corresponding expressions. -
substParams(source:Expr, rule: ParamSubst, ?pos:Position):Expr
Traverse an expression and replace any type that looks like a type parameter following the givenrule
of the following structure:ypedef ParamSubst = { var exists(default, null):String->Bool; var get(default, null):String->ComplexType;
is a natural fit here, but you can do whatever you want. Note that if the type for a given name is aTPath
, it will also be substituted for class names innew
statements and for identifiers of that name. -
typedMap(source:Expr, f:Expr->Array<Var>->Expr, ?ctx:Array<Var>, ?pos:Position):Expr
Similar to transform, but handles expressions in top-down order and keeps track of variable declarations, function arguments etc. Only expressions that are not changed by the transformer functionf
are traversed further. The second argument tof
is the current context that you can use intypeof
to determine the type of a subexpression. -
bounce(f:Void->Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
This is a way to "bounce" out of a macro for a while. Assume you have this expression:{ var a = 5, b = 6; a + b; }
and you want to analyze the second statement, you either have to track variables manually or do atypedMap
but that may be too much work. What you would do here is something like this (stupid example):unction onBounce() { trace(block[1].typeof().sure()); return block[1]; } block[0], onBounce.bounce(block[1].pos)].toBlock();
yield(source:Expr, yielder:Expr->Expr, ?options:{ ?leaveLoops:Bool }):Expr
This will traverse an expression and will apply theyielder
to the "leafs", which in this context are the subexpressions that determine a return value. Example:ield( macro if (foo) bar else { var x = y; for (i in a) bla; }, function (e) return macro trace($e) ; /becomes f (foo) trace(bar) else { var x = y; for (i in a) trace(bla); }
To implement array comprehensions yourself with this you would do:
.transform(function (e) return switch e { case macro [for ($it) $body]: macro { var __ret = []; for ($it) ${body.yield(function (e) return macro __ret.push(e))}; __ret; } default: e; );
If you set
, then loops (both for and while) will be considered leafs.
Position Tools
Returns the position ITself orContext.currentPos()
if it's null. -
Builds a "blank type", i.e.Unknown
. Useful when you want to defer work to type inference. -
error(pos:Position, error:Dynamic):Dynamic
Raises an error at the given position. -
errorExpr(pos:Position, error:Dynamic):Expr
Returns an expression, the later compilation of which will cause an error to be raised. This will let your macro continue normally unlikeerror
, which causes execution to stop and can lead to more errors, because other "processable" code is never transformed to valid Haxe code and the user is burried in tons of error messages. -
makeFailure<A, Reason>(pos:Position, reason:Reason):Outcome<A, tink.core.Error>
Creates a failedOutcome
associated with the supplied position. -
getOutcome<D, F>(pos:Position, outcome:Outcome<D, F>):D
Attempts getting the result of the supplied outcome. If it is a failure, it will cause an error at the given position.
Type Tools
getID(t:Type, ?reduced = true):Null<String>
Returns a String identifier for a type if available. By default, the type will be reduced prior to getting its name (typedefs are resolved etc.). Withreduced = false
you can also get the name of a typedef. -
getFields(t:Type, ?substituteParams = true):Outcome<Array<ClassField>, Outcome<String>>
Attempts to get all fields of a type. By default, this call will perform a parameter substitution, i.e. called onArray<Int>
will be of typeVoid->Int
. WithsubstituteParams = false
will be of typeVoid->Array.T
instead. -
Converts aComplextType
to corresponding Haxe code. No such thing exists forType
as it is actually is automatically converted to rather readable strings. -
isSubTypeOf(t:Type, of:Type, ?pos:Position):Outcome < Type, tink.core.Error >
Checks whether one type is a subtype of another. Returns anOutcome
to give back information on whyt
is not a subtype ofof
. -
toType(t:ComplexType, ?pos:Position):Outcome<Type, tink.core.Error>
Attempts converting aComplextType
to aType
. This can fail for a number of reasons, such as no actual type being known for a supplied path. -
asTypePath(s:String, ?params:Array<TypeParam>):TypePath
Will build aTypePath
from a '.'-separated path. -
asComplexType(s:String, ?params:Array<TypeParam>):ComplexType
A shortcut toasTypePath
to build aComplexType
from a '.'-separated path. -
reduce(type:Type, ?once:Bool):Type
Reduces a type by followingTType
and resolvingTLazy
. -
Will tell you whether a field is a variable or not. Signature is likely to change soon. -
toComplex(type:Type, ?option:{ ?direct: Bool }):ComplexType
Will convert aType
to aComplexType
. Ideally this is done withContext.toComplexType
but for monomorphs and the like, this builtin method fails andtink_macro
uses a hack to make it work none the less. You can also use{ direct : true }
to force this hack in case the translation fails (which can be the case with private types).
Function Tools
asExpr(f:Function, ?name:String, ?pos:Position):Expr
Converts a function to an expression, i.e. a local function definition. -
func(body:Expr, ?args, ?ret:ComplexType, ?params:Array<TypeParamDecl>, ?makeReturn = true):Function
Builds aFunction
from an expression. By default, the body is returned. -
toArg(name:String, ?t:ComplexType, ?opt = false, ?value:Expr = null):FunctionArg
A shorthand to create function arguments. -
Will extract the argument list of a function as an expression list of identifiers (usefull when writing call-forwarding macros or the like).
Operation Tools
get(o:Binop, e:Expr):Outcome<{ e1:Expr, e2:Expr, pos:Position }, tink.core.Error>
Attempts to extract a specific binary operation from an expression. -
getBinop(e:Expr):Outcome<{ e1:Expr, e2:Expr, pos:Position, op:Binop }, tink.core.Error>
Attempts to decompose an expression into the parts of a binary operation. -
make(op:Binop, e1:Expr, e2:Expr, ?pos:Position):Expr
Builds a binary operation. Just syntactic sugar for theExpr::binOp
listed above. It's often easier to read. -
get(o:Unop, e:Expr, postfix:Bool = false):Outcome<{ e:Expr, pos:Position }, tink.core.Error>
Attempts to extract a specific unary operation from an expression. -
getUnop(e:Expr):Outcome<{ op:Unop, e:Expr, postFix:Bool, pos:Position }, tink.core.Error>
Attempts to decompose an expression into the parts of a unary operation.
Metadata Tools
toMap(m:Metadata):Map<String, Array<Array<Expr>>
Will deconstruct an array of metadata tags to aMap
mapping the tag names to an array of the argument lists of each tag with that name. So@foo(1) @foo(2) @bar
becomes["foo" => [[1], [2]], "bar" => [[]]]
getValues(m:Metadata, name:String):Array<Array<Expr>>
Will construct an array of the of the arguments lists of all occurences of the tagname
in a givenMetadata
. The result is the same asm.toMap()[name]
only it's far more efficient.
Build Infrastructure
Writing build macros can sometimes be a little tedious. But tink_macro
is here to help!
Let's have a look at the most important type involved in build macros:
typedef Field = {
var name : String;
@:optional var doc : Null<String>;
@:optional var access : Array<Access>;
var kind : FieldType;
var pos : Position;
@:optional var meta : Metadata;
No doubt, it gets the job done. There's a few things that could be nicer though. For one, if you want to add something to access and meta, you have to look whether it's not null
. Secondly, you can use it to construct non-sensical things like [AInline, ADynamic]
or [APublic, APrivate]
, the former leading to a compiler error and the latter simply being interpreted as private
, no matter how many occurrences of APublic
you have. And as it is unspecified behavior, it may even change.
For this reason and more, we have tink.macro.Member
which looks like this:
abstract Member from Field to Field {
var name(get, set):String;
var doc(get, set):Null<String>;
var kind(get, set):FieldType;
var pos(get, set):Position;
var overrides(get, set):Bool;
var isStatic(get, set):Bool;
var isPublic(get, set):Null<Bool>;
var isBound(get, set):Null<Bool>;
function getFunction():Outcome<Function, Error>;
function getVar(?pure = false):Outcome<{ get: String, set: String, type: ComplexType, expr:Expr }, tink.core.Error>;
function addMeta(name:String, ?pos:Position, ?params:Array<Expr>):Void;
function extractMeta(name:String):Outcome<MetadataEntry, tink.core.Error>;
function publish():Bool;
function asField():Field;
Most of the API should be self-explaining. The isBound
property is a bad name to convey the concept that a field can be either inline
) or dynamic
) or neither (null
). Equally, isPublic
is nullable which means that normally defaults to private
The publish
method will make a field public
if it is not explicitly marked as private
. This can also be done with if (m.isPublic == null) m.isPublic = true;
but the implementation is far more efficient - for what its worth.
The extractMeta
method will "peel of" the first tag with a given name
- if available. Note that the tag will be removed from the member.
The getVar
method will get information about the field if it is a variable or yield failure otherwise. If pure
is set to true, it will fail for properties also.
At any time you can also use asField
to interact with the data the good old way. Converting between Member
and Field
is without overhead.
To make handling multiple fields easier, we have the ClassBuilder
with the following API:
class ClassBuilder {
var target(default, null):ClassType;
function new():Void;
function getConstructor(?fallback:Function):Constructor;
function hasConstructor():Bool;
function export(?verbose = false):Array<Field>;
function iterator():Iterator<Member>;
function hasSuperField(name:String):Bool;
function hasOwnMember(name:String):Bool;
function hasMember(name:String):Bool;
function removeMember(member:Member):Bool;
function addMember(m:Member, ?front:Bool = false):Member;
static public function run(plugins:Array<ClassBuilder->Void>, ?verbose = false)
The first thing to point out is that constructors are handled separately. This is covered in the documentation of Constructor
As for the rest of the members, you can just iterate over them. It's worth noting that the iterator runs over a snapshot made at the time of its creation, so removing and adding fields during iteration has no effect on the iteration itself.
You can add a member. If you try adding a member named "new"
, you'll get an exception - so don't. Find out about how tink_macro handles constructors below. If you add a member that already exists in the super class, the override
is added automatically.
And when you're done, you can export
everything to an array of fields. If you set verbose
to true, you will get compiler warnings for every generated field at the position of the field. This is way you can see the generated code even if the application cannot compile for some reason.
The intended use is with run
that will send the same ClassBuilder
through a number of functions, exporting once at the end. This reduces the overhead introduced by the ClassBuilder
Constructors are relatively tricky, especially when you have inheritance. If you do not specify a constructor, than that of the the super class is used. If you do specify one, then it needn't be compatible with the super class, but it needs to call it. Macros represent them as an instance field called new
that must be a function. However if you think about it, a constructor belongs to a class, not an instance. So this is all a little dodgy. The constructor API is an attempt to create a more rigid solution.
The Constructor
API is the result of countless struggles with constructors. Still it may not be for you. In that case feedback is appreciated and currently the suggested method is to deal with the constructor after you've exported all fields from the ClassBuilder
Constructors are represented by this API:
class Constructor {
var isPublic:Null<Bool>;
function publish():Void;
function addStatement(e:Expr, ?prepend = false):Void;
function addArg(name:String, ?t:ComplexType, ?e:Expr, ?opt = false)
function init(name:String, pos:Position, with:FieldInit, ?options:{ ?prepend:Bool, ?bypass:Bool }):Void;
function onGenerate(hook:Function->Void):Void;
You get a Constructor
by calling getConstructor
on a ClassBuilder
. If the class that you're operating on has a constructor, the Constructor
will be created from that. If not, it will be created on demand. The hasConstructor
method indicates whether a constructor has already been created.
When a Constructor
is created automatically and without fallback
a call to the super constructor is auto-generated (assuming the class has a super class that has a constructor) forwarding all arguments.
The constructor starts out without private
or public
. Use isPublic
and publish
to control visibility analogously to Member
Initial Super Call
If the first statement in a constructor is a super
call (which is true for automatically generated ones), then modification of the constructor through this API will maintain that property. Generally, that's also the suggested way to go. If you need to execute things before that's a symptom of a fragile base class. Still, if absolutely want to do it, the slightest modification can be used to not match the super
call detection. If the first statement is @later super(...)
or (super(...))
or whatever that is not an immediate call to super, then it will not be detected as a super call and will not be treated specially.
Simple Modifications
Adding any statements to the constructor is unsurprisingly achieved by addStatement
. Setting prepend
to true, you can add the statement at the very beginning of the constructor, but after the super
call if one was detected. Again, relying on order can be indicative of a fragile design.
To add a constructor argument, you can just use addArg
Field Initialization
The init
method is the swiss army knife of initializing fields. The options.prepend
flag works the same as prepend
for addStatement
. As for options.bypass
, the behavior is somewhat magical.
Setter Bypass
It is important to know that when you initialize a field with options.bypass
set to true, existing setters will be bypassed. That's particularly helpful if your setter triggers a side effect that you don't want triggered. This is achieved by generating the assignment as (untyped this).$name = $value
. To make the code typesafe again, this is prefixed with if (false) { var __tmp = this.$name; __tmp = $value; }
. This code is later thrown out by the compiler. Its role is to ensure type safety without interfering with the normal typing order.
Setter bypass also causes the field to gain an @:isVar
. And currently, with -dce full
, additional code will be generated to avoid the field to be eliminated.
Please do note, that value
will be in the generated code twice, therefore if it is an expression that calls a macro, the macro will be called twice.
Initialization Options
The different options for initialization are as follows:
enum FieldInit {
Arg(?t:ComplexType, ?noPublish:Bool);
OptArg(?e:Expr, ?t:ComplexType, ?noPublish:Bool);
Here, Value
will just use a plain expression, whereas Arg
and OptArg
will use a mandatory or optional argument respectively. Buth have a noPublish
field. If left to default, their use will cause an implicit publish()
Expression Level Transformation
Because the state of a constructor is rather delicate, the API prohibits you to just mess around with the whole constructor body at an expression level. For that to happen, you can register onGenerate
hooks. These will be called when the corresponding ClassBuilder
does its export. The hooks are cleared after the export.
You can find a type map, i.e. a map where the keys are haxe.macro.Type
, in tink.macro.TypeMap
. It's pretty much an ordinary map. Currently, it relies rather strongly on haxe.macro.TypeTools.toString()
and it remains to be determined whether that is a reliable choice. Please report any issues you might face.