feral-pinger copied to clipboard
Pinger script for feralhosting
Pinger script from https://thehawken.org/fs
This system runs with some files in a web directory and some files outside of the web directory. You will find web/config.php.inc which has to be configured and renamed to config.php. After this, you will find offline/getservers.php and offline/fs. Both have to be configured to reflect what you decided in config.php. Afterwards, the fs script has to be added to your crontab:
*/5 * * * * www-data bash /offline/path/fs
This will make it run every 5 minutes. If it doesn't work, I'm 90% sure you can blame file permissions. Make sure the user used by your webserver matches crontab, and make sure example.status is writable and accessible.
- php5-cli
- web server with php
- fping
- bash
You might also need to mess with PHPs permissions in order to get it to read files outside of your web directory. Generally found in /etc/php5
Script that is run at some interval from crontab. Fetches list of servers using getservers.php pings them with fping.
Functions used from index.php: gradient, parse and read the ping result file
Creates a list of servers to ping, suitable for bash scripting. Limited to local invocation, but not foolproof.
$config and $tags array that contains the configuration, and server list
Main page, depends on tags.php and functions.php
Stylesheet used to create the fancy design