Brian Cherinka
Brian Cherinka
it's not the python package, it's the version of the data Marvin is using. Without this people will not know what version they are using unless they ask for it....
@iisakkirotko Thanks, that almost does the trick! The remaining issue is the dashboard sub page I have has its own layout, with its own AppBar and SidePanel, that I'd like...
The dashboard `Page` and `Layout` are roughly defined like ``` import solara as sl import reacton.ipyvuetify as rv from components import sidebar, ObjectGrid, LoginButton, AlertSystem, State @sl.component def Page(): sl.Title("Visboard")...
Hmm, that didn't seem to work. Both the home and embed pages render correctly, but the dashboard page still displays the sibling tabs.
@iisakkirotko Just getting back to this. Has there been any updates on turning off the tabbed navigation elements in an appbar?
@iisakkirotko Great! I think having more flexibility and control over the AppBar would be great. And as an FYI, your suggestion of adding `use_route` to the layout actually did the...
@maartenbreddels Sorry for the long response on this. Yes indeed this is something I still need and the postMessage approach would work well for me. I have some initial code...
Here is my attempt at adding an event handler for the iframes postMessage. This example embeds a Solara app into a single page Vue app, and adds two postMessage events....
snakeviz profiles on `%snakeviz -t c.load_data(s3d[2])` ### jw01023-c1002_t002_miri_ch1-short_s3d ### jw01023-o013_t002_miri_ch3-short_s3d
Has there been any traction on this? I'm interested in slicing gwcs for creating cutouts.