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stitches-utils copied to clipboard

Helpful stitches shorthand utilities combined in one package


All Contributors

Helpful stitches utilities like marginY, marginX etc. combined in one package

GitHub release issues


yarn add stitches-utils


nom install stitches-utils


Import all utils

import { createStyled } from "@stitches/react";
import * as utils from "stitches-utils";

export const { styled, css } = createStyled({

Import specific utils

import { createStyled } from "@stitches/react";
import { mx, my } from "stitches-utils";

export const { styled, css } = createStyled({
  utils: {

Utils overview:

Utility Properties
m marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft
mt marginTop
mr marginRight
mb marginBottom
ml marginLeft
mx, marginX marginLeft, marginRight
my, marginY marginTop, marginBottom
p paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft
pt paddingTop
pr paddingRight
pb paddingBottom
pl paddingLeft
px, paddingX paddingLeft, paddingRight
py, paddingY paddingTop, paddingBottom
br borderRadius
btlr borderTopLeftRadius
btrr borderTopRightRadius
bblr borderBottomLeftRadius
bbrr borderBottomRightRadius
w width
minW minWidht
maxW maxWidth
h height
minH minHeight
maxH maxHeight
boxSize width, height

Custom utils:

It's also possible to build custom utils by using the composeUtil function.

import { createStyled } from "@stitches/react";
import { composeUtil } from "stitches-utils";

const size = composeUtil("width", "height");

export const { styled, css } = createStyled({
  utils: {

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Achim Rolle

💻 📖 💡 👀

Bernardo Raposo

💻 📖 💡 ⚠️ 🤔

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!