
Results 383 comments of Shantanu

I would love that! Two quick thoughts: - I'd be happy to add either a new page on "Integrating types from stubs", or expanding the scope of to "Writing,...

Note that mypy will already complain about code like the following, so this shouldn't be a hard check to add: ``` from enum import Enum, auto class Color(Enum): Red =...

(Btw, a little off topic, but if you have open source code that makes interesting use of typing features, pattern matching, or has surfaced mypy usability issues for you previously,...

Exclude currently only affects mypy's recursive directory, not its import following. Similar issue to #10377. In addition to an exclude pattern, try adding: ``` [mypy-feecc_spoke.waveshare_epd] follow_imports = skip ``` to...

Sorry, not too familiar with the TOML config file, maybe try the following: ``` [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = "feecc_spoke.waveshare_epd.*" follow_imports = "skip" ``` Yeah, agreed on the point about documentation as...

Are you sure your module name is `thoth.*`? Run `mypy -v` to see what module name mypy has, from that tree there's a good chance it has `storage.*`.

I wasn't able to access. I requested access from `hauntsaninja at gmail dot com`

Btw, one thing we didn't discuss is documentation. I've been making a series of docs PRs linked to this issue: If anyone has docs requests or suggestions, chime in...

I just merged `--no-implicit-optional` and `--namespace-packages`. Will add the suggestion for the `--no-implicit-optional` codemod now. One other change to get in for 1.0 we didn't mention: show error codes by...

This isn't enough information to reproduce. Could you try writing a self-contained script that reproduces the error? Your issue may be coming from setting `ignore_missing_imports = True`