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Open xgrommx opened this issue 6 years ago • 31 comments

Hello @hsyl20 What do u think about create HVariantF for GADTs? And use indexed version of Fix with polykinds?

xgrommx avatar Dec 06 '18 21:12 xgrommx

Hello, Do you have a concrete implementation example? I don't see how to get GADT behavior with variants. How do you see it working?

hsyl20 avatar Jan 08 '19 10:01 hsyl20

@hsyl20 Maybe something like the following:

data HFix (f :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)) :: k -> Type where
  HFix :: f (HFix f) a -> HFix f a

newtype HVariantF xs ast t
  = HVariantF (V (HApplyAll xs ast t))

type family HApplyAll (xs :: [ ( k -> Type ) -> ( k -> Type ) ]) (ast :: k -> Type) (t :: k) :: [Type] where
  HApplyAll '[]          _  _ = '[]
  HApplyAll ( x ': xs ) ast t = ( x ast t ': HApplyAll xs ast t )

This seems like it would allow extending the functionality of the library to indexed types / GADTs. For instance we can have HOAS constructors:

data LamF ast t where
  LamF :: ( ast a -> ast b ) -> LamF ast ( a -> b )

data AppF ast t where
  AppF :: ast ( a -> b ) -> ast a -> AppF ast b

type AST a = HFix ( HVariantF '[ LamF, AppF ] ) a

sheaf avatar Dec 18 '19 03:12 sheaf

@sheaf looks good for me, but we can use newtype for HFix

newtype HFix (h :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)) (a :: k) = HFix { unHFix :: h (HFix h) a }

I think it should works

type (~>) f g = forall a. f a -> g a

type family HApplyAll (xs :: [(k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)]) (ast :: k -> Type) (t :: k) :: [Type] where
  HApplyAll '[]          _  _ = '[]
  HApplyAll (x ': xs) ast t = (x ast t ': HApplyAll xs ast t)

newtype HVariantF xs ast t = HVariantF (V (HApplyAll xs ast t))

newtype EGADT xs a = EGADT (HVariantF xs (EGADT xs) a)

class HFunctor (h :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)) where
  hfmap :: (f ~> g) -> h f ~> h g

type family HBase (h :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)

class HFunctor (HBase h) => HRecursive (h :: k -> Type) where
  hproject :: h ~> (HBase h) h

class HFunctor (HBase h) => HCorecursive (h :: k -> Type) where
  hembed :: (HBase h) h ~> h

type instance HBase (EGADT xs) = HVariantF xs

instance HFunctor (HVariantF xs) => HRecursive (EGADT xs) where
  hproject (EGADT a) = a

instance HFunctor (HVariantF xs) => HCorecursive (EGADT xs) where
  hembed = EGADT

What do u think about it @hsyl20 ?

xgrommx avatar Dec 18 '19 09:12 xgrommx

Oh I see! Very cool!

I've slightly adapted your code and pushed it:

We still need to adapt constraint code (:<:) and TH code to generate pattern synonyms but it looks very promising. And it seems to work well: I inverted AppF parameters by mistake and I got:

src/lib/Haskus/Utils/EGADT.hs:63: failure in expression `let z = VF (AppF (VF (VarF "a")) (VF (LamF f)))'
 but got: 
          <interactive>:735:19: error:
              • Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘(Int -> Int) -> a’
                Expected type: EGADT '[LamF, AppF, VarF] ((Int -> Int) -> a)
                  Actual type: EGADT '[LamF, AppF, VarF] Int
              • In the first argument of ‘AppF’, namely ‘(VF (VarF "a"))’
                In the first argument of ‘VF’, namely
                  ‘(AppF (VF (VarF "a")) (VF (LamF f)))’
                In the expression: VF (AppF (VF (VarF "a")) (VF (LamF f)))
              • Relevant bindings include
                  z :: EGADT '[LamF, AppF, VarF] a (bound at <interactive>:735:5)

Tested with stack test haskus-utils-variant.

hsyl20 avatar Dec 18 '19 16:12 hsyl20

@hsyl20 nice, this is full context

type f ~> g = forall a. f a -> g a
type NatM m f g = forall a. f a -> m (g a)

type family HBase (h :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)

type HAlgebra h f = h f ~> f
type HAlgebraM m h f = NatM m (h f) f
type HGAlgebra w h a = h (w a) ~> a
type HGAlgebraM w m h a = NatM m (h (w a)) a

type HCoalgebra h f = f ~> h f
type HCoalgebraM m h f = NatM m f (h f)
type HGCoalgebra m h a = a ~> h (m a)
type HGCoalgebraM n m h a = NatM m a (h (n a))

class HFunctor (h :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)) where
  hfmap :: (f ~> g) -> h f ~> h g

class HFunctor h => HFoldable (h :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)) where
  hfoldMap :: Monoid m => (forall b. f b -> m) -> h f a -> m

class HFoldable h => HTraversable (h :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type))  where
  htraverse :: Applicative e => NatM e f g -> NatM e (h f) (h g)

class HFunctor (HBase h) => HRecursive (h :: k -> Type) where
  hproject :: HCoalgebra (HBase h) h

  hcata :: HAlgebra (HBase h) f -> h ~> f
  hcata algebra = algebra . hfmap (hcata algebra) . hproject

class HFunctor (HBase h) => HCorecursive (h :: k -> Type) where
  hembed :: HAlgebra (HBase h) h

  hana :: HCoalgebra (HBase h) f -> f ~> h
  hana coalgebra = hembed . hfmap (hana coalgebra) . coalgebra

hhylo :: HFunctor f => HAlgebra f b -> HCoalgebra f a -> a ~> b
hhylo f g = f . hfmap (hhylo f g) . g

hcataM :: (Monad m, HTraversable (HBase h), HRecursive h) => HAlgebraM m (HBase h) f -> h a -> m (f a)
hcataM f = f <=< htraverse (hcataM f) . hproject

hlambek :: (HRecursive h, HCorecursive h) => HCoalgebra (HBase h) h
hlambek = hcata (hfmap hembed)

hpara :: (HFunctor (HBase h), HRecursive h) => HGAlgebra (Product h) (HBase h) a -> h ~> a
hpara phi = phi . hfmap (\a -> Pair a (hpara phi a)) . hproject

hparaM :: (HTraversable (HBase h), HRecursive h, Monad m) => HGAlgebraM (Product h) m (HBase h) a -> NatM m h a
hparaM phiM = phiM <=< htraverse (\a -> liftA2 Pair (pure a) (hparaM phiM a)) . hproject

hanaM :: (Monad m, HTraversable (HBase h), HCorecursive h) => HCoalgebraM m (HBase h) f -> f a -> m (h a)
hanaM f = fmap hembed . htraverse (hanaM f) <=< f

hcolambek :: HRecursive h => HCorecursive h => HAlgebra (HBase h) h
hcolambek = hana (hfmap hproject)

hapo :: HCorecursive h => HGCoalgebra (Sum h) (HBase h) a -> a ~> h
hapo psi = hembed . hfmap (coproduct id (hapo psi)) . psi
    coproduct f _ (InL a) = f a
    coproduct _ g (InR a) = g a

hapoM :: (HCorecursive h, HTraversable (HBase h), Monad m) => HGCoalgebraM (Sum h) m (HBase h) a -> NatM m a h
hapoM psiM = fmap hembed . htraverse (coproduct pure (hapoM psiM)) <=< psiM
    coproduct f _ (InL a) = f a
    coproduct _ g (InR a) = g a

hhyloM :: (HTraversable t, Monad m) => HAlgebraM m t h -> HCoalgebraM m t f -> f a -> m (h a)
hhyloM f g = f <=< htraverse(hhyloM f g) <=< g

xgrommx avatar Dec 18 '19 20:12 xgrommx

Wow! Shouldn't this be a PR for the recursion-schemes package? We could integrate it in haskus packages but it seems much more general.

hsyl20 avatar Dec 21 '19 10:12 hsyl20

@hsyl20 I have some discussion about it But probably we can keep it standalone in haskus packages

xgrommx avatar Dec 21 '19 10:12 xgrommx

I have one question, how can I install current version with support for EGADTs but via github?

xgrommx avatar Dec 21 '19 11:12 xgrommx

@hsyl20 I have some discussion about it ekmett/recursion-schemes#43 But probably we can keep it standalone in haskus packages

Alright we can include it in Haskus.Utils.Functor.

I have one question, how can I install current version with support for EGADTs but via github?

If you use stack, you can easily add a git extra-deps in stack.yaml:

- git:
  commit: a033f0180b42ca4b650716c45a3eb02a79895152 # change commit here
     - haskus-utils-variant
     - haskus-utils-types
     - haskus-utils-data

I think cabal now supports something like this via cabal.project files but I have never used it.

I am currently uploading newer versions on hackage (to fix #26). But as EAGDT are quite in flux, it could be better to make git deps work.

hsyl20 avatar Dec 21 '19 11:12 hsyl20

Merged. Thanks again!

There are still some things lacking (TH, etc.) but I think they could be opened as separate PRs (or more specific issues).

I have just uploaded haskus-utils-variant-3.0 on Hackage.

hsyl20 avatar Dec 21 '19 13:12 hsyl20

With cabal you can include the following in your cabal.project (or cabal.project.local):

  type: git
  tag: 27b2eee849a3d6fd052f9c0450d69309b3c29d82
  subdir: haskus-utils-variant

sheaf avatar Dec 21 '19 13:12 sheaf

@hsyl20 What is will be HFunctor for HVariantF?

xgrommx avatar Dec 21 '19 14:12 xgrommx

@hsyl20 ok, solve problem with HFunctor. But now I don't understand about alg

toHVariantFHead :: forall x xs t e. x t e -> HVariantF (x ': xs) t e
toHVariantFHead v = HVariantF (toVariantFHead @(x t) @(ApplyAll t xs) v)

toHVariantFTail :: forall x xs t e. HVariantF xs t e -> HVariantF (x ': xs) t e
toHVariantFTail (HVariantF v) = HVariantF (toVariantFTail @(x t) @(ApplyAll t xs) v)

instance HFunctor (HVariantF '[]) where
  hfmap _ = undefined

instance (HFunctor (HVariantF fs), HFunctor f) => HFunctor (HVariantF (f ': fs)) where
  hfmap f (HVariantF v) = case popVariantFHead v of
    Right x -> toHVariantFHead (hfmap f x)
    Left xs -> toHVariantFTail (hfmap f (HVariantF xs))

data ValF (h :: Type -> Type) t where
  ValF :: Int -> ValF h t

instance HFunctor ValF where
  hfmap _ (ValF x) = ValF x

val :: Int -> EGADT '[ValF] Int
val x = VF (ValF x)

res :: Identity Int
res = hcata alg (val 10) where
  alg v = _t

xgrommx avatar Dec 21 '19 14:12 xgrommx

@hsyl20, @sheaf are u here?

xgrommx avatar Dec 22 '19 09:12 xgrommx

Yes. I will look into this later. Reopening to not forget.

hsyl20 avatar Dec 22 '19 10:12 hsyl20

@hsyl20, @sheaf As I understand it also will be helpful for build extensible mutual recursive construction?

xgrommx avatar Dec 31 '19 10:12 xgrommx

You can find an example of EGADTs in use in @sheaf's project:

  • AST definition:
  • CodeGen operation:

BottomUp is a simpler name standing for catamorphism. Algebras are constructed via type-classes (e.g. CodeGen type-class).

I hope that helps. I need to digest it all myself and to write some docs about it.

hsyl20 avatar Dec 31 '19 11:12 hsyl20

@hsyl20 cool. My question about how we can use mutually recursion with EGADTS

xgrommx avatar Dec 31 '19 12:12 xgrommx

For example I want convert it to EGADTS

infix 1 :=

data Expr a =  Const  Int
            |  Add    (Expr a)  (Expr a)
            |  Mul    (Expr a)  (Expr a)
            |  EVar   (Var a)
            |  Let    (Decl a)  (Expr a)
  deriving Show

data Decl a =  Var a := Expr a
            |  Seq    [Decl a]
            |  None
  deriving Show

type Var a  =  a

xgrommx avatar Dec 31 '19 12:12 xgrommx

I don't know exactly what you want, but I expect it would look something like this

type Var a = a

data ConstF expr a where
  ConstF :: Int -> ConstF expr Int
data AddF expr a where
  AddF :: expr a -> expr a -> AddF expr a
data MulF expr a where
  MulF :: expr a -> expr a -> MulF expr a
data EVarF expr a where
  EVarF :: Var a -> EVarF expr a
data LetF expr a where
  LetF :: DeclF expr a -> expr a -> LetF expr a

data DeclF expr a where
  (:=%) :: Var a -> expr a -> DeclF expr a
  SeqF  :: [ DeclF expr a ] -> DeclF expr a
  NoneF :: DeclF expr a

type Expr = EGADT '[ ConstF, AddF, MulF, EVarF, LetF ]

and then pattern synonyms for the constructors

pattern Const = VF ConstF

The idea being you leave the recursion open and tie the knot later by taking a fix point (which is what EGADT does). I think you might have to tie the knot manually if you want several mutually recursive open sum types.

sheaf avatar Dec 31 '19 20:12 sheaf

@sheaf sorry for this question, but how can I implement a simple evaluator?

xgrommx avatar Jan 01 '20 13:01 xgrommx

It should be rather similar to what hsyl20 said in a previous comment: implement it via a typeclass, with one instance for each constructor, one instance for the variant type, and then one instance to handle the recursion.

sheaf avatar Jan 01 '20 23:01 sheaf

@sheaf interesting but looks like we cannot create HFunctor for

data LamF ast t where
  LamF :: (ast a -> ast b) -> LamF ast (a -> b)

according your comment

xgrommx avatar Jan 03 '20 18:01 xgrommx

@hsyl20, @sheaf no some news?)

xgrommx avatar Mar 31 '20 14:03 xgrommx

Regarding your previous comment, I don't know if it's possible to implement a HFunctor for LamF. IIUC it would change the ast type but as it is used in both covariant/contravariant positions in LamF I don't see how to do this. Perhaps you should change the LamF representation to something else (not a Haskell function)?

hsyl20 avatar Apr 01 '20 10:04 hsyl20

@hsyl20 But what I should do if I want HOAS?

xgrommx avatar Apr 02 '20 13:04 xgrommx

Applying transformations to HOAS is harder because of these Haskell functions with the high-order type on the left of the arrow. An approach is to keep HOAS for the EDSL and then to translate HOAS into FOAS before performing transformations.

For example they did this in See also:

hsyl20 avatar Apr 03 '20 08:04 hsyl20

@hsyl20 can u provide some example with haskus?

xgrommx avatar Apr 03 '20 12:04 xgrommx

I don't have any. I haven't used EGADT yet. Perhaps @sheaf has some examples to share?

hsyl20 avatar Apr 03 '20 13:04 hsyl20

@sheaf any news?)

xgrommx avatar May 08 '20 22:05 xgrommx