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Haskus packages
Sorry for all the noise Part of #46
Currently this package [prevent people from running ghcup on nixos]( I think the error message expected in DocTests changed. I am trying to prepare a PR.
Are these usually defined in the upstream package?
Hello @hsyl20 What do u think about create `HVariantF` for GADTs? And use indexed version of `Fix` with polykinds?
GHC now supports asm files with addForeignFilePath (see Use this instead of asm inlined into a c file.
I'm tring to compare 2 EADT values, but I get: No instance for (Data.Functor.Classes.Eq1 (VariantF '[ValF, EmptyNoteF])) arising from a use of ‘==’
Reload time of my program in ghci takes more than 20 seconds when my EADT has more than 10 constsructors. As I add more constructors, it gets exponentially worse.
Hi, FlowT in 2.4 is a very ergonomic alternative compare to Variant on the Left of Either. I like it a lot. Just want to bring up an enhancement for...
I'm trying to write a pattern for an EADT type that contains a less general, parameterised EADT type, but I receive the following ambiguous type variable error. I've reproduced the...