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The best CLI client for Slack, because everything is terrible!
FiraCode Nerd Font actually installs as FuraCode Nerd Font on MacOS. Updating README to help clear out the confusion.
Command: brew install libcaca --with-imlib2 Output: Error: invalid option: --with-imlib2 --- brew --version Homebrew 2.0.0 Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 94636; last commit 2019-02-06) Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 3dd06; last commit 2019-02-06) MacOS:...
I've got a branch on a fork where I've wrapped things up in a Dockerfile. Currently it only installs the non-development version of requirements.txt With blessing of admin and...
Are there any current plans for a snap package? I'd love to grab it from a snap package, which can also make it far easier to get the latest version.
The README says to get a binary file from the "Releases" page, but there don't seem to be any releases available. Please update the README, or add a release.
Emoji reactions from other users are displayed properly, however there doesn't seem to be a way to react to a message with an emoji, as is possible in the Slack...
This pull request configures this repository to be run on It adds a `.replit` configuration file and a badge to the `README`. You can read more about running...
Hello there, It would be great for sclack to use the standard XDG directories to save data. In this case `~/.sclack` could be in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sclack` normally `~/.config/sclack`. Would this be...
Changes include migrating to new `asyncio` syntax
Would be wonderful to have on the AUR.