entropy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
entropy copied to clipboard

Entropy source on *BSDs

Open piyush-kurur opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

As far as I understand the situation on unix platforms are

  1. On Linux it uses GetRandom
  2. On any other UNix it uses /dev/random

On atleast two BSD's (openbsd and netbsd) the ar4random is considered better. Would you be willing to take pull request for these sources based on the os matching

piyush-kurur avatar May 12 '21 17:05 piyush-kurur

Yes, I would.

TomMD avatar Nov 02 '21 14:11 TomMD

Okey I will try sending you a pull request some time. Is there an easy way to test it in CI ?

piyush-kurur avatar Nov 09 '21 04:11 piyush-kurur