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Add the `todo` function

Open MangoIV opened this issue 11 months ago • 127 comments

Dear Haskell core library committee.

Currently there are multiple ways of describing something as unimplemented

  • undefined
  • error "not implemented yet"
  • various other, similar functions from external libraries, such as the ones in alternative preludes like Relude placeholders or the todo package
  • typed holes

problems of the above solutions

  1. Problems of the functions currently in base:
  • undefined:
    • doesn't give you a warning if it remains in code
    • doesn't read as "this is open, I will definitely implement it soon"
    • a lot to type for "please compiler, be quiet for the second, I will come back to this"
  • error:
    • also doesn't give you a warning if it remains in code
    • may read as "this is open, I will definitely implement it soon" but this is a lot to type
    • even more to type for "please compiler, be quiet for the second, I will come back to this", sometimes even needs paranthesis
  1. external dependencies:
  • just for doing a quick debugging todo, it doesn't seem worth adding an alternative Prelude or even add a dependency just for the sake of this
  1. typed holes
  • they are, by default, errors, not warnings
  • they are very noisy (by default they produce a lot of output)
  • they are slow (by default)

That's why propose a function todo that has the following properties:

  • has a warning annotation "todo remains in code" in group x-todo so that it can be used with WError for e.g. CI
  • has the same type as undefined
  • gets (re)exported by base:Prelude
  • is to be used whenever there is a place in the code where we want to temporary fill holes
  • the warning message is not fixed as shown in the example implementation and may be adjusted, similar things hold for the documentation

implementation of the solution

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Todo (todo) where

import GHC.Base (raise#, TYPE, RuntimeRep)
import GHC.Exception (errorCallWithCallStackException)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)

{- | 'todo' indicates unfinished code. 

It is to be used whenever you want to indicate that you are missing a part of 
the implementation and want to fill that in later. 

The main difference to other alternatives like typed holes and 'undefined' 
or 'error' is, this does not throw an error but only emits a warning. 

Similarly to 'undefined', 'error' and typed holes, this will throw an error if 
it is evaluated at runtime which can only be caught in 'IO'. 

This is intended to *never* stay in code but exists purely for signifying
"work in progress" code. 

To make the emitted warning error instead (e.g. for the use in CI), add 
the @-Werror=x-todo@ flag to your @OPTIONS_GHC@.

==== __Examples__

superComplexFunction :: 'Maybe' a -> 'IO' 'Int'
-- we already know how to implement this in the 'Nothing' case
superComplexFunction 'Nothing' = 'pure' 42
-- but the 'Just' case is super complicated, so we leave it as 'todo' for now
superComplexFunction ('Just' a) = 'todo'
todo :: forall {r :: RuntimeRep} (a :: TYPE r). (HasCallStack) => a
todo = raise# (errorCallWithCallStackException "Prelude.todo: not yet implemented" ?callStack)
{-# WARNING in "x-todo" todo "todo remains in code" #-}

try it out in a separate module, as such:

module TodoExample where

import Todo

superComplexFunction :: Maybe a -> IO Int
-- we already know how to implement this in the 'Nothing' case
superComplexFunction Nothing = pure 42
-- but the 'Just' case is super complicated, so we leave it as 'todo' for now
superComplexFunction (Just a) = todo

This implementation will work from >= ghc981


on hoogle I currently find 4 functions which this would break, two of which have similar semantics to this one, making it improbable that they will be found in code out there.

Another advantage of this function is that there will be no need of a *-compat package because code that does contain this function is not supposed to live anywhere or compile with more than the compiler than the base version this is going to be shipped with supports.

I will obviously run a proper impact assessment though.

why I think this belongs in Prelude

The main reason I think this belongs into Prelude is because it is not possible to replace this with the same level of simplicity with any other solution

  • libraries add technical issues like unused packages warnings by cabal and/ or the overhead of having to define mixins or add new imports; Additionally already having to add an additional dependency to use this, would, I think, be too much effort for many people to use it
  • external tools are external tools, they require additional installation, they don't ship with GHC, they are not supported first class by GHC, with the advent of the {-# WARNING -#} we have first class support for these kinds of things that don't add any additional overhead
  • error and undefined don't have WARNINGs attached to them and I don't think they should have; they have been as they are for a long time, it would impose a great cost to change their semantics; even though it is debatable whether you should, people use undefined in their code to signify unreachable or permanently unimplemented parts of their code, if we want to add a warning, I think it should be on something that clearly tells the programmer and the reader of the code "this is not done yet"

I think this will also have the positive impact of offering a real alternative to dangerous uses of undefined

also look at

rust std's todo! and unimplemented! macros

rendered docs

rendered docs without expanded Examples rendered docs with expanded Examples

some more screenshots

  • how it looks, loading a module using todo into GHCi: screenshot of terminal showing how it looks to load a module using the todo function

  • how it looks when trying to load a module using todo with {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror=x-todo #-} into GHCi: image

Amendment to this proposal (28 Mar 2024)

After what I consider a very productive and diverse discussion, I think the most prominent conclusion is that this might not make the jump into Prelude all at once. I still want to proceed with this proposal for the following two reasons:

  1. accessibility and visibility as well as usefulness in general (least overhead, least tooling issues, least possibility of divergence, etc.) will be greatest if this is in base
  2. and most importantly: I still want this is Prelude eventually; this seems to be only possible when something has been in base for a long time and one has to start at some point ;)

a new module, ~~Debug.Placeholder~~ Develop.Placeholder

There will be a new module ~~Debug.Placeholder~~ Develop.Placeholder that will contain both the

These implementations include many useful improvements to the function described above, which is really awesome.

The name of the module is justified as follows:

  • I don't think that this belongs into Control or the like because it's only temporarily, you do something with the definitions in the process of programming, but don't really intend to keep the definitions
  • ~~Debug is the namespace that I think most fits the semantics of these functions intuitively, after all, todo is something you insert in the code while "writing code" which is closest to "debugging", I'd say~~ @tbidne has proposed the namespace Develop which I think is the most fitting until now

Note: if people think that the proposed namespace is incorrect, I would like to hear convincing arguments and am happy to adjust accordingly.

out of scope for this proposal

While there were some really nice suggestions to make the proposal "more complete", I will consider the following out of scope for this proposal while expressing the strong intention to later add them in a follow-up proposal:

  • the {u,U}nimplemented function and patterns: the reason why I want to avoid them for now is that they will spark additional discussions on whether you really need both of these and what the semantics of them should really be, whether they require warnings, etc.
  • the {unimplemented,todo}IO variations of these: the reason why I want to avoid these is that I think it will spark discussion on whether we will need these in the case of only todo existing, as it may never remain in code
  • adding a new module Develop that will export many useful functions that you need only for work-in-progress code, such as the todo family of functions as well as the trace* family of functions

MangoIV avatar Mar 07 '24 15:03 MangoIV

I use

pattern TODO :: HasCallStack => () => a
pattern TODO <- _unused
  where TODO = error "TODO"


it allows you to use TODO as a pattern too:

case TODO of
  Nothing -> print "nothing to do"
  TODO -> TODO -- I'm too lazy to cover the rest of the cases for now


Warning is a nice touch. I think the custom warning could also be added to the functions in Debug.Trace. I used to redefine them and deprecate so I'll won't leave them in the code either, but now we have custom warnings, so it can be done in base. I'll :+1: the proposal for that.

phadej avatar Mar 07 '24 16:03 phadej

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Mango The Fourth wrote:

All of these have problems:

  1. Problems of the functions currently in base:
  • undefined:
    • doesn't give you a warning if it remains in code
    • doesn't read as "this is open, I will definitely implement it soon"
    • a lot to type for "please compiler, be quiet for the second, I will come back to this"
  • error:
    • also doesn't give you a warning if it remains in code
    • may read as "this is open, I will definitely implement it soon" but this is a lot to type
    • even more to type for "please compiler, be quiet for the second, I will come back to this", sometimes even needs paranthesis

You can generate such warnings with HLint.

That's why propose a function todo that has the following properties:

What about Lentil with Todo/Fixme comments or custom comment tags?

thielema avatar Mar 07 '24 18:03 thielema

Why raise# and not just throw?

treeowl avatar Mar 07 '24 18:03 treeowl

Why raise# and not just throw?

Probably just copying the definition of undefined,

undefined :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). forall (a :: TYPE r).
             HasCallStack => a
-- This used to be
--   undefined = error "Prelude.undefined"
-- but that would add an extra call stack entry that is not actually helpful
-- nor wanted (see #19886). We’d like to use withFrozenCallStack, but that
-- is not available in this module yet, and making it so is hard. So let’s just
-- use raise# directly.
undefined = raise# (errorCallWithCallStackException "Prelude.undefined" ?callStack)

phadej avatar Mar 07 '24 18:03 phadej

@thielema: yes you can generate these warnings with hlint and yes there are external tools that may allow these things in some more convoluted way; however, adding warnings to all undefined or error does defeat the purpose in the same way as having to add an external dependency; the whole point of this is to make it as low barrier to use as possible and have as few external tools/ dependencies necessary as possible. Additionally, both words, error and undefined, convey different meanings than todo does.

@treeowl: It is as @phadej says, this is pretty much exactly how undefined is defined, also afaict throw would just be like composing with id as throw = raise# . toException and toException @SomeException = id

MangoIV avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 MangoIV

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Mango The Fourth wrote:


yes you can generate these warnings with hlint and yes there are external tools that may allow these things in some more convoluted way; however, adding warnings to all undefined or error does defeat the purpose in the same way as having to add an external dependency; the whole point of this is to make it as low barrier to use as possible and have as few external tools/ dependencies necessary as possible. Additionally, both words, error and undefined, convey different meanings than todo does.

You can also define "todo = error" and add a HLint warning to your "todo".

thielema avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 thielema

Why base and not a tiny package?

rhendric avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 rhendric

Why base and not a tiny package?

@rhendric I can answer this question from a supply chain perspective: Because dependencies are not free. A dependency graph is something that will ask time, sometimes money, and overall energy to maintain. One more dependency to vet is one more maintainer to trust and, should things go wrong, support.

Kleidukos avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 Kleidukos

I think it belongs in base because it's extremely common to mark parts of your code as todo.

jappeace avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 jappeace

A lot of good proposals here for small, easily-implemented-elsewhere functions get shot down because they don't meet the Fairbairn threshold. I don't really have a problem with the CLC deciding that this one is valid but I don't yet see the reasoning. If ‘dependencies aren't free’ and ‘many people want this’ are the only considerations, base ought to be a whole lot larger.

rhendric avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 rhendric

Additionally to the named above reasons there's also a technical reason that just came to my mind: add a library to cabal that just adds something that you need for debugging, remove the debugging part, now you have a cabal warning about unused packages; are you going to

  • add a new package to cabal
  • reload your language server
  • wait until it's up
  • import Debug.Todo (or do cabal mixins, same deal)
  • write down todo

every time you want to indicate code as not done? I don't think that's feasible.

MangoIV avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 MangoIV

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Mango The Fourth wrote:

Additionally to the named above reasons there's also a technical reason that just came to my mind: add a library to cabal that just adds something that you need for debugging, remove the debugging part, now you have a cabal warning about unused packages; are you going to

  • add a new package to cabal
  • reload your language server
  • wait until it's up
  • import Debug.Todo (or do cabal mixins, same deal)
  • write down todo every time you want to indicate code as not done? I don't think that's feasible.

You can see it as an advantage: By removing the 'todo' dependency, you know for sure, that your code is free of 'todo's.

thielema avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 thielema

This is your monthly public service reminder that adding stuff to base is not free either (although it may be a cost paid by someone other than you).

tomjaguarpaw avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 tomjaguarpaw

I imagine adding something like this to Prelude would clash with identifiers already called todo. Perhaps something like this could be exposed from Debug.Trace instead? I feel like that would greatly reduce the risk of breaking folks code. Though I agree it would be less convenient. If it proves to be very popular, perhaps it could be added to Prelude too in time. 31 packages have a top-level identifier called todo.

Lots of packages seem to use todo as a variable name, which wouldn't lead to errors but would lead to shadowing warnings. It's hard to get a definite number because todo is a very common string in comments.

TeofilC avatar Mar 07 '24 19:03 TeofilC

This is your monthly public service reminder that adding stuff to base is not free either (although it may be a cost paid by someone other than you).

I don't think comments like this are constructive, it comes off as passive aggressive. @MangoIV has listed a number of reasons why they think todo deserves to be in base/Prelude so I think they're well aware that adding things is not free and requires justification.

MorrowM avatar Mar 07 '24 20:03 MorrowM

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Morrow wrote:

  This is your monthly public service reminder that adding stuff to base is not free either
  (although it may be a cost paid by someone other than you).

I don't think comments like this are constructive, it comes off as passive aggressive.

I understood it as humorously told counterargument to "adding a new package is not free" and wanted to give the same things to consider.

thielema avatar Mar 07 '24 20:03 thielema

What often goes unsaid in appeals to the Fairbairn threshold is that there is a natural tension with another useful feature: discoverability. Many functions in base (e.g. much of Data.List) could be argued as "trivial combinations", yet I am grateful for their existence as I don't always know what I need, and I am not confident I could implement many of them without inadvertently tripping some subtlety (e.g. laziness, performance, bottom).

Providing an "obvious" function can have great value when it shepherds users into Doing the Right Thing :tm: . Bonus points if the function in question is canonical, in some sense.

Of course this has to be balanced with the downsides of increasing base's surface area, which are well-articulated.

I was skeptical when I read the title as I was picturing the trivial todo = error "todo", yet the OP is well-motivated, especially given the custom warning and reference to rust (the pattern synonym is also intriguing).

tbidne avatar Mar 07 '24 21:03 tbidne

From a POSIWID perspective, the purpose of base is not to be a batteries-included collection of best practices for new users who want to write professional code. The extensive use of String, if nothing else, should make that clear. That responsibility has been taken up by a variety of alternate prelude libraries—I'm partial to protolude myself, and Protolude.Debug.notImplemented indeed fills the same niche as this proposal, including the warning.

Should we make incremental improvements to base to bring it closer to the best-practice ideal? Of course I think so, but I also think that backward-compatibility concerns will always prevent base from doing as good a job of this as an independent package can. I think that weakens the argument that functions should be included in base in order to funnel users towards good patterns—users who want the best patterns would be better served by using an alternate prelude that doesn't also cater to professors teaching from fifteen-year-old textbooks.

rhendric avatar Mar 07 '24 21:03 rhendric

I appreciate the well-written and detailed proposal and I largely agree with the direction, but I'm very hesitant to add anything to Prelude without lots of prior art and experience. Adding to Debug.Trace (or maybe to a new module Debug) would be more plausible.

Bodigrim avatar Mar 07 '24 21:03 Bodigrim

This is your monthly public service reminder that adding stuff to base is not free either (although it may be a cost paid by someone other than you).

I don't think comments like this are constructive, it comes off as passive aggressive.

I understood it as humorously told counterargument to "adding a new package is not free" and wanted to give the same things to consider.

Thank you, yes, that was exactly my intention.

tomjaguarpaw avatar Mar 07 '24 22:03 tomjaguarpaw

@Bodigrim I absolutely understand your issue with this and agree on the basic gripes with the idea of adding something “completely new” to Prelude.

However, consider that there’s nothing new here, really, except the warning pragma, the exact same implementation has been part of Prelude and battle tested for years now in the form of undefined.

Additionally we really can only get the most out of this change if people actually use this. If the barrier to using it is any higher than the functions we don’t want users to use (undefined), the users will probably instead use those.

MangoIV avatar Mar 07 '24 22:03 MangoIV

typed holes ... they are slow (by default)

In what way are typed holes slow?

tomjaguarpaw avatar Mar 07 '24 23:03 tomjaguarpaw

I personally oppose adding this to Prelude. There are just too many situations where it seems to make sense as a variable name.

treeowl avatar Mar 07 '24 23:03 treeowl

Additionally we really can only get the most out of this change if people actually use this.

Maybe, but we can evolve to this state gradually. If there are early adopters keen to use such function even if it is not in Prelude (or even not in base), it would make a strong argument that we can reap more benefits from putting it there. Otherwise it's hard to predict a future impact, which combined with a fact that adding things to Prelude is pretty much irreverisble makes me sceptical.

Changing the set of entities exported by default in every Haskell program is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Bodigrim avatar Mar 08 '24 00:03 Bodigrim

Great idea, in spirit! However I must agree with others who raise the "supply chain" concern.

How about we add compiler warnings to undefined and error instead?

ocramz avatar Mar 08 '24 06:03 ocramz

Why base and not a tiny package?

@rhendric I can answer this question from a supply chain perspective: Because dependencies are not free. A dependency graph is something that will ask time, sometimes money, and overall energy to maintain. One more dependency to vet is one more maintainer to trust and, should things go wrong, support.

Weak argument to me.

Haskell is about reusing code. Long running haskell projects accumulate sometimes hundreds of direct dependencies. And now they crumble by adding one more?

What are the arguments to add things to base? From what I see:

  • things that other boot libraries need
  • things the standard mentions
  • things that are otherwise very fundamental building blocks, widely necessary and have stopped randomly evolving

The proposed function is a neat idea and I can see some use for it in education. But in the end it just feels like a synonym for undefined. As such I join @ocramz in the question why can't have warnings for undefined? There are a couple legitimate use cases and it shouldn't be hard to do some transition period (warning off by default first).

hasufell avatar Mar 08 '24 06:03 hasufell

why can't have warnings for undefined?

I have justified above (but I should probably also add it to the proposal itself, pending) why I don’t think adding warnings to undefined and error themselves is a good idea.

Adding warnings to these long used functions is probably an infinitely more breaking change than adding a new function that is used only 20 times in hackage, often for the same reason as this proposal intends.

MangoIV avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 MangoIV

@hasufell Out of curiosity, how many of the declarations in base were added to it because of the reasons you named and how many were not? Do we have any numbers on that?

MangoIV avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 MangoIV

Adding warnings to these long used functions is probably an infinitely more breaking change

I don't think so. The -Werror faction should stop making everyone else pay for their decision.

Warnings can and already do change. And we have mechanisms to introduce new warnings. See -Wcompat.

I do not consider those breaking changes.

Recent discussions in GHC SC proposals such as 625 have refined the understanding of these warning categories and transition procedures.

hasufell avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 hasufell

@hasufell Out of curiosity, how many of the declarations in base were added to it because of the reasons you named and how many were not? Do we have any numbers on that?

I don't think we have any numbers. What purpose would that data serve?

hasufell avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 hasufell