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Haskell HTTP package
Because of the strict parsing of URIs by Network.URI.parseURIReference, parseRequestHead fails on this "almost valid" URI: ``` ghci> parseRequestHead ["GET|Open+Sans:700|Open+Sans:300&lang=en HTTP/1.1"] ghci> Left (ErrorParse "parseRequestHead Request command line parse...
RFC2617 says about `qop` and related fields (key bits highlighted): > qop > Indicates what "quality of protection" the client has applied to > the message. If present, its...
Although the package works with String, and indeed encourages its use by having that be the default type in some of the API helper functions, the handling of non-ASCII data...
It would be very nice, especially for lambdabot (where it's more important to get a fast answer than to get one at all), to be able to configure the connection...
Could you export `rqMethodMap`, similar to `Network.HTTP.Headers.headerMap`? This would make it possible to reuse the mapping table when serializing/instantiating instances of `RequestMethod` (and `Request`, in particular).
We should support the Text datatype. I don't think there are any dependency issues with doing so given that text is in the Platform and in any case HTTP already...
I'm glad to see the new auto-proxy support, much more convenient! A closely related feature is that more complicated proxy configurations have exception lists, e.g. no_proxy=localhost, listing servers (usually on...
What's the reason for not having `getRequest` and `postRequest` return `Request a`, i.e.: ``` getRequest :: BufferType a => String -> Request a postRequest :: BufferType a => String ->...