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Combining servers from APIs defined as generic records of routes
Similar to, I needed to write a server which was composed of multiple APIs. I found Docs » Cookbook » Structuring APIs but my APIs were defined as Docs » Cookbook » Using generics and so I wasn't sure how to approach it. My first attempt to combine compositionally failed. I looked at the documentation a bit more and found an escape hatch, but it doesn't feel like the "right" approach because a server defined as a record via routes AsServer
isn't reusable.
Combining two routes-records via composition does not work.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main where
import Servant
import Servant.API.Generic
import Servant.Server.Generic
data ChildRoutes mode = ChildRoutes
{ child :: mode :- "child" :> Get '[PlainText] String
deriving (Generic)
data ParentRoutes mode = ParentRoutes
{ parent :: mode :- "parent" :> Get '[PlainText] String
, childRoutes :: ChildRoutes mode
deriving (Generic)
app :: Application
app = undefined -- genericServe parentHandlers -- Can't genericServe parentHandlers for some reason
parentHandlers :: ParentRoutes AsServer
parentHandlers = ParentRoutes
{ parent = return "parent handler ok"
, childRoutes = childHandlers
childHandlers :: ChildRoutes AsServer
childHandlers = ChildRoutes
{ child = return "child handler ok"
main = print "todo"
Eg0.hs:22:7-33: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘ServerT (ChildRoutes AsApi) Handler’
with ‘ChildRoutes (AsServerT Handler)’
arising from a use of ‘genericServe’
• In the expression: genericServe parentHandlers
In an equation for ‘app’:
= genericServe parentHandlers
parentHandlers :: ParentRoutes AsServer
= ParentRoutes
{parent = return "parent handler ok", childRoutes = childHandlers}
childHandlers :: ChildRoutes AsServer
childHandlers = ChildRoutes {child = return "child handler ok"}
22 | app = genericServe parentHandlers -- Can't genericServe parentHandlers for some reason
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Converting two routes-records to normal servant APIs and combining their servers as siblings does work.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main where
import Servant
import Servant.API.Generic
import Servant.Server.Generic
data LeftRoutes mode = LeftRoutes
{ left :: mode :- "left" :> Get '[PlainText] String
deriving (Generic)
data RightRoutes mode = RightRoutes
{ right :: mode :- "right" :> Get '[PlainText] String
deriving (Generic)
app :: Application
app = serve
(Proxy :: Proxy (ToServantApi LeftRoutes :<|> ToServantApi RightRoutes))
(leftServer :<|> rightServer)
-- It seems silly to have two servers defined this way, but it's important
-- when they have more than one endpoint so that structure of the :<|> tree
-- matches that of the api types.
leftServer :: Server (ToServantApi LeftRoutes)
= return "left handler ok"
rightServer :: Server (ToServantApi RightRoutes)
= return "right handler ok"
main = print "todo"
Again, although I found a solution, it's not very satisfactory because it leaves servers defined as routes AsServer
not reusable. The purpose of this issue is to ask:
- What is the correct way to do this?
- Can we get some documentation about it? I can write some documentation if there is consensus about the correct approach. is related.
Have you tried this?
data ParentRoutes mode = ParentRoutes
{ parent :: mode :- "parent" :> Get '[PlainText] String
, childRoutes :: mode :- ToServantApi ChildRoutes
deriving (Generic)
I have a feeling like it might work.