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Difficult to implement ISO 8601 dates with current design
I am trying to output ISO 8601 dates surrounded by double quotes. This seems to be very difficult or impossible. What I want is this output:
I tried this:
newtype IsoDate = IsoDate { unIsoDate :: UTCTime } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CSV.ToField IsoDate where
toField (IsoDate tm) =
fromString $ "\""++ (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" tm)++"\""
But that gives me triple double-quotes around the date. Is there any way to specify that a field must always be surrounded by quotes?
I have some ideas for how we could support this. To better understand the problem, why do you want to do this? The CSV spec doesn't required it, although many programs are not conforming so I'm guessing that's why you need the extra quotes.