dear-imgui.hs copied to clipboard
strange error when trying to do Compatibility 4 1 profile vs Core 4 1 profile
Hey! So after some futzing, i got the readme example to work wiht >= opengl3 flavor stuff. as below.
i did hit a strange crash i'm not sure how to understand when i tried a compatiblity profile (not that i expect to need it, but was just trying things)
carterschonwald@CarterHydra ~/W/p/a/genicad (main) [1]> cabal run exe:trash_demo
Build profile: -w ghc-9.4.7 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- genicad- (exe:trash_demo) (file app/Trash.hs changed)
Preprocessing executable 'trash_demo' for genicad-
Building executable 'trash_demo' for genicad-
trash_demo: SDLCallFailed {sdlExceptionCaller = "SDL.Video.glCreateContext", sdlFunction = "SDL_GL_CreateContext", sdlExceptionError = "Failed creating OpenGL context at version requested"}
the full code with working core profile is as below
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,GHC2021 #-}
module Main ( main ) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Managed
import DearImGui
import DearImGui.OpenGL3
import DearImGui.SDL
import DearImGui.SDL.OpenGL
import Graphics.GL
import SDL
import SDL.Video
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Initialize SDL
runManaged $ do
-- Create a window using SDL. As we're using OpenGL, we need to enable OpenGL too.
window <- do
let title = "Hello, Dear ImGui!"
let config = defaultWindow { windowGraphicsContext = OpenGLContext defaultOpenGL{glProfile=Core Normal 4 1} , windowResizable = True }
managed $ bracket (createWindow title config) destroyWindow
-- Create an OpenGL context
glContext <- managed $ bracket (glCreateContext window) glDeleteContext
-- Create an ImGui context
_ <- managed $ bracket createContext destroyContext
-- Initialize ImGui's SDL2 backend
_ <- managed_ $ bracket_ (sdl2InitForOpenGL window glContext) sdl2Shutdown
-- Initialize ImGui's OpenGL backend
_ <- managed_ $ bracket_ openGL3Init openGL3Shutdown
liftIO $ mainLoop window
mainLoop :: Window -> IO ()
mainLoop window = unlessQuit $ do
-- Tell ImGui we're starting a new frame
-- Build the GUI
withWindowOpen "Hello, ImGui!" $ do
-- Add a text widget
text "Hello, ImGui!"
-- Add a button widget, and call 'putStrLn' when it's clicked
button "Clickety Click" >>= \x -> case x of
False -> return ()
True -> putStrLn "Ow!"
-- Show the ImGui demo window
-- Render
openGL3RenderDrawData =<< getDrawData
glSwapWindow window
mainLoop window
-- Process the event loop
unlessQuit action = do
shouldQuit <- checkEvents
if shouldQuit then pure () else action
checkEvents = do
pollEventWithImGui >>= \x -> case x of
Nothing ->
return False
Just event ->
(isQuit event ||) <$> checkEvents
isQuit event =
SDL.eventPayload event == SDL.QuitEvent
So... what is the problem here?
example uses OpenGL2 and its defaultOpengl
requests a version 2 compat context.
You tried to request the 4.1 profile and it failed?.. Does it work without the dear-imgui stuff?
it works when i set Core 4 1, but fails when I set the context to Compatibility 4 1, this might be an SDL2 binding/library issue